Authoritarianism Today
11 décembre | 18h30
Kritisches Denken im Plural. Begriffliche Wege der Sozialforschung
Authoritarianism Today
Conceptualizing Democracies in between Psychoanalysis and Social Theory
(conference in English)
Organisation: Katia Genel (CMB), Duarte Rolo (Paris 5)
Cooperation: Centre Marc Bloch / ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry / Laboratoire PCPP de l’Université Paris Descartes
Wednesday 11. December 2019
ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry
Christinenstraße 18-19
10119 Berlin
18:30 - Introduction
Katia Genel, Centre Marc Bloch, and Duarte Rolo, Université Paris Descartes
19:00 - 21:00
Plenary Speaker: Peter E. Gordon (Amabel B. James Professor of History, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Department of Philosophy, Harvard University)
"Between Realism and Utopia: Reflections on Adorno and The Authoritarian Personality"
And Rahel Jaeggi (Professorin am Lehrstuhl Sozialphilosophie an der Universität Humboldt, Leiterin des Center for Humanities and Social Change)
Katia Genel
genel ( at )