Access Plus final conference
20 septembre | 09h00
How do societies produce and deal with discrimination? International and intersectional comparative perspectives on labor-market and Welfare rights related discrimination
September 20th / 21th 2024
Starting from the observation that sociological research on discrimination is still rather scarce in Europe, we aim to explore, with this conference, how discrimination in the labour market and regarding access to social rights is produced, addressed, and fought against. Using an international comparative perspective, with Germany and France at the centre, we seek to explore diverse logics of discrimination, among others intersectional ones, that found inequalities for women and persons in (post-)migrant situations. Three thematic lines will organize the conference:
- Producing discrimination? Welfare states as co-producers of inequality – policies
- Addressing discrimination: Role of discourse, framing, categorizations rights and regulations
- Enforcing non-discrimination: The relevance of legal practices and tools
The conference program will be built on the results of the ANR-DFG research project Access Plus. The presentations will cover topics as diverse as the gender bias in women’s access to labor-market related social rights, struggle against discrimination in French unions, quantifying discrimination against women and immigrants employees, the ethno-racial imagination in the evaluation of young footballers in France and Germany, the access to social rights in French neighborhood centers, etc.
Nikola Tietze
Nikola.Tietze ( at )
How do societies produce and deal with discrimination? International and intersectional comparative perspectives on labor-market and Welfare rights related discrimination
September 20th / 21th 2024
Friday, September 20th
9:00 Welcome
9:30 to 12:30
Producing discrimination? Welfare states as co-producers of inequality – policies, rights and regulations
Discussant: Silke Bothfeld (Hochschule Bremen)
Anne Eydoux (Lise, Cnam-Paris), Anne-Françoise Bender (Lise, Cnam-Paris), Christine Barwick (HU-Berlin)
14:00 to 16:30
Addressing discrimination: Role of discourse, framing, categorizations
Discussant: Virginie Giraudon (CNRS, Sciences Po Paris)
Arnaud Lechevalier (La Sorbonne, Paris 1), Karine Briard (DARES, Paris), Yacine Amena (University of Luxembourg, CMB Berlin), Sören Carlson (Europa Universität Flensburg)
17:00 to 18:30
Round Table
Analyzing inequalities and discriminations in a German-French perspective
Jay Rowell (CMB, Berlin) in discussion with team members of AccessPlus (Europa Universität Flensburg and Lise, CNRS Cnam-Paris)
Saturday, September 21th
10:00 to 13:00
Enforcing non-discrimination: The relevance of legal practices and tools
Discussant: Sophia Aalders (DeZIM, Berlin)
Guénolé Marchadour (Lise, Cnam-Paris), Alejandro Valdivia (Europa Universität Flensburg), Eléanor Breton (Université Vannes, Lise, Cnam-Paris)
Photo credit: Mohamed Assoubay
Germaine-Tillion-SaalCentre Marc Bloch
Friedrichstrasse 191
10117 Berlin