
Blackness Imagery and Colonial Fantasies in CEE Modernism(s)

21 septembre | 10h00


Petra James / Jana Kantoříková / Alfrun Kliems


Juliane Hübner
juliane.huebner  ( at )


Humboldt University of Berlin, Institute of Slavonic and Hungarian Studies / Université Libre de Bruxelles, Research Centre MODERNITAS / Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), European Union


Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Arrival Day / Check-in

Thursday, 21 September 2023
10:00 Welcome Petra James / Jana Kantoříková / Alfrun Kliems
10:30–11:30 Keynote Culture and Race in the Habsburg Empire: 1848–1918 Pieter M. Judson (Florence)
11:30 Coffee Break
11:45–12:30 František Kupka, Freidenker, und seine Illustrationen für L'Homme et la Terre von Elisée Reclus, Anarchist-Humanist Markéta Theinhardt (Paris)
12:30–13:15 Artistic Representations of „Racial Mixing“ in Czech Modernism Jana Kantoříková (Berlin/Paris)
13:15 Lunch Break
15:00–15:45 My Little Indigenous Neighbour: Colonial Gazes among East Central Europeans Alfrun Kliems (Berlin)
15:45–16:30 Race, Ethnicity, the Post- and the De-Colonial: Metaphors(?) to Bring Down Hierarchical Structures Beáta Hock (Leipzig)
16:30 Coffee Break
17:00-17:45 White Menʼs (and Womenʼs) Négritude: The Critique of Civilization in Narrative Literature of French and German Avantgardes in the 1920s Urs Urban (Berlin/Weimar)
17:45-18:30 Entgrenzte Avantgarden: Zur Reziprozität von osteuropäischem Modernismus und afrikanischen Poetik-Bewegungen Nadjib Sadikou (Flensburg/Chicago)
19:00 Dinner

Friday, 22 September 2023
9:00–10:00 Keynote Gutta, Bella and the Others: African Women under the European Gaze Markéta Křížová (Prague)
10:00 Coffee Break
10:15–11:00 Gendered Tensions of Blackness in Cyganka Aza (Starycʼkyi) and V nediliu rano zillja kopala (Kobylianʼska) Gesine Drews-Sylla (Würzburg)
11:00–11:45 On Colonial Bodies: Poetics and Politics of Blackness in Russian Modernism Anita Frison (Padua)
11:45 Coffee Break
12:00–12:45 Strategic Racializations of the Slav in German Colonial Literature Kristin Kopp (Columbia)
12:45–13:15 On the Concept of Racism: Theory and Practice Manuela Božadijev (Berlin)
13:15 Light Lunch


Centre Marc Bloch
Friedrichstraße 191, 10117 Berlin