
Mohammed Bamyeh: "Why a No State Solution"

04 juin | 18h00

Beginning with a sketch as to why the “obvious” solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have never materialized, this talk moves on to identify structures that makes solutions that appear “realistic” to be actually impossible in practical terms. The discussion then moves on to address histories of Palestinian self-organization and agency, as well larger Middle Eastern social histories, to show the error of focusing on states and state-centered solutions—the idea being that modern states in the region have all an imposed nature, with each state being the enemy of a substantial part of the population it rules, and further how these states generate conflicts and wars by the very nature of their design. The larger Middle Eastern context currently includes five major wars, countless smaller zones of hostilities or civil wars, and impending financial collapse of a few countries. The idea of the no-state solution is then offered as an adjustment to the historical nature of social self-organization in the region, and to be in the final analysis no less realistic that state-centered solutions that have repeatedly shown their incapacity to be realized.

► The Lecture will be in english. To paricipate please register using the following link:

Mohammed Bamyeh is currently a professor of Sociology at the University of Pittsburgh (USA); a former chair of the board (2019-2023) of the Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS); and a former editor (2011-2018) of International Sociology Reviews (ISR). He taught in several universities in the USA, and held invited lectures around the world. He is the author or editor of 12 books in such areas as the sociology of knowledge, social movements and revolutions, Islamic studies, and civil society. Parts of his work have been translated into Arabic, Turkish, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and other languages.

Foto: Garten in Akko, Credit: Gudrun Krämer

This conference is part of the event series Israël, Palestine et les sociétés européennes at the Centre Marc Bloch.


Centre Marc Bloch
Friedrichstrasse 191
10117 Berlin