The Romanian Constitutional Court’s invalidation of the 2024 presidential elections,
06 février | 16h00
The conference belongs to a series of events in the framework of the STEPPE project.
This panel will delve into the Romanian Constitutional Court's controversial decision in December 2024 to annul the presidential elections. The discussion will not only examine the annulment itself (and the constitutional reasons invoked by the Court) but will also explore its broader implications for democracies across Europe. The challenges that prompted this extraordinary decision are not unique to Romania and resonate with issues faced by other European democracies (e.g., the rapid degradation of democratic public deliberations and the oversized electoral effects of opaque social networks). The panel aims to shed light on these common threats and potential responses to safeguard democratic integrity.
Please find here the link to join the zoom conference:
Dorothee Mertz
mertz ( at )
Vlad Perju (Harvard Law School)
Bogdan Iancu (University of Bucharest)
Sergiu Mișcoiu (Babes Bolyai University, Cluj)
Renata Uitz, (CEU - Democracy Institute, Budapest / Royal Holloway, University of London)
Dietmar Müller (Institute of Political Science at Leipzig University)
Camil Pârvu (New Europe College, Bucharest and University of Bucharest)
Isabella Löhr (Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History in Potsdam/ CMB Berlin)