
Transnational Politics: State Practices and Everyday Life Experiences

08 septembre | 09h00

The conference aims to study how national states control transnational experiences, and the way in which administrative control shapes everyday life. Three topics will be successively debated:

1. Citizenship practices

2. Confinement

3. Family, kinship, and national affiliation


The presentations will lean on ethnography and more generally on qualitative methodology, with a special focus on the sociology of law, as well as on gender and race studies.


Sarah Mazouz
mazouz  ( at )  cmb.hu-berlin.de


8 September

9:00       Introduction

Sébastien Chauvin Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Amsterdam The Myth of Humanitarianism: Migrant Deservingness, Redeemable Victimhood and Neoliberal Reason.

10:00    Citizenship Practices

Chair Regina Römhild IFEE, Humboldt Universität

Discussant Peter Hervik SERR Program, Aalborg University

Sarah Mazouz IFEE, Humboldt Universität Loyalty and Allegiance. National Anxiety in France and Germany.

Emilien Fargues Sciences Po, CEE Experiencing the violence of naturalization refusals in contemporary France.

Katharina Schoenes University of Osnabruck Regulating marriage or regulating migration? The fight against “marriages of convenience” in Berlin.

Jérémy Geeraert IRIS-EHESS, Université Paris 13 and Centre Marc Bloch The Tourist and the Refugee. Precarious Citizenships and Logic of Categorization in French Public Hospitals.

1:00       Lunch

2:00 › 5:00     Confinement

Chair Fabien Jobard Centre Marc Bloch

Discussant Steffen Jensen University of Aalborg

Carolina Sanchez Boe Post-doctoral researcher SERR, Aalborg University Shapes of Contestation. Politics of Resistance against Irregularization, Incarceration and Deportation in France and the USA.

Nicolas Fischer CNRS-CESDIP, Université Versailles St-Quentin Deporting The Usual Suspects. The Management of Deportable Immigrants in a French Immigration Detention Center.

Ines Hasselberg Oxford University Citizenship, Punishment and Mobility: The Case of Foreign-Nationals in Prison.

Susi Meret Associate Professor, Aalborg University A right to have rights and stay: self-organized refugees struggling against policies and practices of immobilization
and containment in Germany and Denmark.

Sarah Turnbull Lecturer in Criminology, School of Law, Birkbeck, University of London Punishment that isn’t punishment: Everyday life in British immigration detention.

6:00       Cocktail


9 September


10:00 Family, Kinship & National Affiliation

Chair Prof. Dr. Urmila Goel IFEE, Humboldt Universität

Discussant Dr. Beatriz San Roman Departamento de Antropología Social y Cultural, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Lene Myong Professor, Network of Gender Research, University of Stavanger Saving Children From Racism: The Racialized and Gendered Politics of Transnational Adoption in Denmark.

Sébastien Roux CNRS, LISST-Cas, Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès Origins of the state: Personal narratives and Intimate Archives in International Adoption (France-Ethiopia).

Alice Sophie Sarcinelli FRS-FNRS, LASC-FASS, Université de Liège
The Boundaries of Family in Italy: Juridical Kinning
and De-kinning Practice Concerning Same-sex Couples and their Children.

Jérôme Courduriès LISST-Cas, Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès
At the Nation’s Gates: The Fate Reserved in France
for Children Born via Surrogacy.

1:00       LUNCH

2:00 › 4:30     Film projection & discussion

“La marcheuse” a film by Naël Marandin

Discussion with scholars and activists
with Karina Horsti Visiting Fellow, London School of Economics
and PG Macioti Hydra Berlin


Dr. Sarah Mazouz, Marie Curie Fellow, Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Dr. Sébastien Roux, CNRS Researcher, LISST – Cas, University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France

Dr. Carolina Sanchez Boe, Postdoctoral Fellow, SERR Program at the University of Aalborg, Denmark.


Marie Sklodowska-Curie Project “TransforNation”, Germany

ANR Grant “Ethopol”, France

SERR Program at the University of Aalborg, Denmark

Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Germany

Centre Marc Bloch, France/Germany

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Réseau Ethnopol, France


Institut für Europäische Ethnologie
Mohrenstrasse 40/41
