Call For Contribution: A Decolonial Mediterranean? Disparities, Imaginations, Power Relations
27 mars
A Decolonial Mediterranean? Disparities, Imaginations, Power Relations
International Conference: November 4-8, 2024, Tunis
The Merian Center for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb invites early career and established scholars to submit contributions from the humanities and social sciences, including experts on the Mediterranean, but also on other maritime spaces with a comparative dimension to the Mediterranean. We particularly encourage academics from the “Global South” to apply. Possible topics may include geopolitical and economic dynamics, migration and refugee movements, ecological challenges as well as political, philosophical and artistic imaginations.
Application deadlineApril 30 2024, 12.30h CEST (in the afternoon).
Please find the call for contribution here and as a PDF on the right.
Rachid Ouaissa, Philipps-Universität Marburg/MECAM
Esther Möller, Centre Marc Bloch Berlin
Benjamin Heidrich, Philipps-Universität Marburg /MECAM
Esther Möller
esther.moeller ( at )