Ukraine Calling. Cross-Sectoral Capacity Building
Mobilités, Migrations, Recomposition des espacesProjektleitung: Stefan Henkel (EUV)
Fördermittelgeber: German Foreign Office, #CivilSocietyCooperation
Projektpartner: Cedos; Національний університет "Києво-Могилянська академія" (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy), Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Centre Marc Bloch Berlin, National Youth Council of Ukraine - NYCUkraine, Minsk Urban Platform, Euro Créative
Laufzeit: 2020 – 2021
Ukraine Calling. Cross-Sectoral Capacity Building
Ukraine Calling is a project-oriented capacity building programme for organisations from Ukraine, Belarus, France, Poland, and Germany. In its 2021 edition, it offers seminars and workshops to provide orientational and applied knowledge on the topic of local development, as well as to assist its participants in developing cross-sectoral competences and to foster international networking.
Actors from various fields (i.a. education, human rights, culture, media, academia) are invited to apply, introducing a project idea for cross-sectoral transnational cooperation, that they want to develop for subsequent implementation after the programme.
Besides contribution to a sustainable transnational dialogue, a special focus of Ukraine Calling concerns the way complex societal challenges can be tackled better with the help of projects involving actors from different sectors (i.e. civil society, culture, city administrations). Therefore, the programme invites its participants to collectively deliberate on the following questions: What are success factors for cross-sectoral collaborations? How to bring differing expectations and logics together to serve a common goal? Which formats can enable knowledge transfer in a dialogical manner?
The partners of the project are:
- European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
- CEDOS, Kyïv
- National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA), Kyïv
- Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
- Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin
- National Youth Council of Ukraine (NYCU), Kyïv
- Euro Créative, Paris
- Minsk Urban Platform, Minsk