Dr. Amir Gharibeshghi | Doctorant associé
Institution principale
TU Berlin
Ph.D. Student & associated researcher
a) Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology
b) Ph.D. In Biology
Professional experiences:
a) 2018-2022: Associated researcher in Marc Bloch Center
b) 2000- 2015 Research scientists ( Academic staff )
a) German Sociology Association ( DGS )
b) Iran Sociology Asociation ( ISA )
Research Interests:
Iran, Modernity theories, Discourse analysis, Sociology of Knowledge, Interdisciplinary
research, Women's body control
Titre de la thèse
Sociology of knowledge approach ( SKAD) to contemporary Iranian intellectual’s discourses about ModernityInstitution de la thèse
Sociology of knowledge approach ( SKAD ) to contemporary Iranian intellectual’s discourses about Modernity .
Since the 19th century, Iran faced Modernity as a new concept and Iranians tried to understand and react to this new phenomenon in their personal and collective life. Some people who later were named Intellectuels were an important part of this activity. various approaches and gradually various discourses created by Intellectuelsbut. these discourses had a connection with their social and political circumstances. In this research project, the various approaches of Iranian Intellectuels to Modernity and The West concept will be studied. To understand the connection between these discourses and social circumstances and to define the production and circulation of their knowledge about Modernity in Iran condition, the sociology of Knowledge approach will be used. The Intellectuals will be classified as various Ecole, refer to various indexes and then their texts will be analyzed with the Sociology of Knowledge approach to the discourse research project ( SKAD ). By using this method every text will be read through the other steps ( fragmentation, deep analysis, coding, assumption). The interpretative scheme, classification, phenomenal structures, and narrative structures are part of the process.
Title : What means life without tomorrow and belonging ties?
Author: Amir, Gharibeshghi , ( Marc Bloch Center)
Date : 24-28 Sept, 2018
Place : Universitat Gottingen
Presented in: 39 Congress of German Sociology Association ( DGF)
Sektion Migration und ethnische Minderheiten
Globaler und Lokale Entwicklungen