Dr. Amir Gharibeshghi | Associate Postgraduate

Former Member
Dynamiken und Erfahrungen der Globalisierung
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin
Email: dara.eshghi  ( at )  gmail.com Tel: +49(0) 30 / 20 93 70700

Home Institution : TU Berlin | Position : Ph.D. Student & associated researcher | Disciplines : Sociology |



                   a)  Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology

                     b) Ph.D. In Biology

Professional experiences:       

                      a) 2018-2022:    Associated researcher in Marc Bloch Center ( CMB)

                      b)  2000- 2015   Research scientists ( Academic staff ) 


                     a) German Sociology Association ( DGS )

                     b) Iran Sociology Asociation ( ISA ) 

Research Interests

                        Iran, Modernity theories, Discourse analysis, Sociology of Knowledge,  Interdisciplinary   

                         research, Women's body control


Title of thesis
Sociology of knowledge approach ( SKAD) to contemporary Iranian intellectual’s discourses about Modernity
Institution of thesis
TU Berlin


Title :                   What means life without tomorrow and belonging ties?

Author:                Amir, Gharibeshghi , ( Marc Bloch Center)

Date :                   24-28 Sept, 2018

Place :                Universitat Gottingen

Presented in:    39  Congress of German Sociology Association ( DGF)

                            Sektion Migration und ethnische Minderheiten

                             Globaler und Lokale Entwicklungen