Isabelle Desportes | Chercheuse associée

Environnement, climat, énergie : les sociétés face aux défis écologiques
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin
Email: isabelle.desportes  ( at ) Tél: +49(0) 30 / 20 93 70700

Institution principale : RWTH Aachen | Position : Chercheuse associée | Discipline : Science Politique , Géographie , Sociologie |

Sujet de recherche

Changement climatique; catastrophes; conflit, gouvernance des risques; études humanitaires

Titre de la thèse
Repression Without Resistance: Disaster Responses in Authoritarian Low-Intensity Conflict Settings
Institution de la thèse
International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Directeur de thèse
Prof. Dr. Dorothea Hilhorst, Dr. Roanne van Voorst

2021-2024: 'TsunamiRisk: Multi-risk assessment and cascade effect analysis in cooperation between Indonesia and Germany - Joint research on tsunamis induced by volcanoes and landslides', funded by the German Ministry of Research BMBF

2016-2020: 'When Disaster meets Conflict', funded by the Dutch Research Council NWO

2013: 'Flooding in Cape Town under Climate Risk', funded by the British and the Canadian International Development Research Centre IDRC

The politics of disaster creation, prevention and response

My research approaches disasters such as deadly floods or wildfires as socio-politically constructed and as symptoms of our currently unsustainable societies. It specifically deals with how various actors materially and discursively draw back on disasters to advance their own agenda - for instance, through the (depoliticised) framing of disaster root causes and solutions. I am particularly intrigued by the puzzle of why disasters currently do not play a more substantial role in bringing forward socio-ecological transformation processes.

Book and special issue editorships

Peer-reviewed book chapters and journal articles

  • Desportes, I. (in press). ‘Theories of power: Disaster paradigms and what they aim to stifle’. In Principles and Concepts of Disaster Risks, Vol.1., edited by I. Kelman. New York: Springer.

Blogs and newspaper editorials

Selected publications for policy and practitioner audiences

  • Desportes, I. Dalimunthe, S.A. Surtiari, G.A.K. and Reksa, A.F.A. [in press]. Applying a ‘cascading disasters’ approach across silos and epistemic cultures? The challenge of warning of non-seismically induced tsunamis in Indonesia. Words into Action Series on Science and Policy. Geneva: United Nations for Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • Desportes, I. & Voss, M. (2023). Kurzstudie über die Kommunikation des Auswärtigen Amts und ausgewählter westlicher Geberländer zum Thema humanitärer Hilfe (Bericht nicht öffentlich). Berlin: Akademie der Katastrophenforschungstelle.
  • Hilhorst, D., van Voorst, R., Mena, R., Desportes, I. & Melis, S. (2019). Disaster Response and Humanitarian Aid in Different Conflict Scenarios. Geneva: United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction.
  • Desportes, I. (2015). Partners for Resilience in Ethiopia, Country Case for the Qualitative Process and Impact Study. Groningen: University of Groningen.

Doctoral and Master thesis