Les publications

Climate Security in the Anthropocene

21 mai 2023

Cameron Harrington, Franziskus von Lucke, Adrien Estève, Nicholas P. Simpson

Edition: Springer
Collection: The Anthropocene: Politik—Economics—Society—Science
ISBN: 978-3-031-26016-2

This chapter introduces the book, Climate Security in the Anthropocene—Exploring the Approaches of United Nations Security Council Member-States. Climate change is increasingly positioned as a security issue. A number of influential governance actors including states, international organisations, and civil society groups now connect climate change to a variety of security threats such as armed conflict, disasters, low socio-economic development, and fragile governing institutions. These threat perceptions have translated into political action and have led to the formation of a complex constellation of governance actors in response. In particular, over the past fifteen years both permanent and non-permanent member-states of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) have been instrumental in constructing and responding to climate security threats. This introductory chapter presents the overall aim of the book, which is to analyse whether the concept of security has shifted over time with respect to climate change, and if so, how these shifts have occurred in state practices. It begins by tracing the evolution of climate security in academic scholarship and in the UNSC. It then presents the theoretical framework of the book, which distinguishes between three ideal-types of climate security: national security, human security, and ecological security. It concludes by outlining the methodology of the book, which is comprised of fifteen case study chapters that explore the various ways in which member-states that sat on the UNSC between 2018 and in 2020 constructed and responded to climate security threats.

Unversöhnlichkeiten - Einübungen in Adornos Minima Moralia

20 avril 2023

Pierre Buhlmann, Tobias Nikolaus Klass

Edition: Turia + Kant Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-98514-060-2

Die Auszeichnung von Theodor W. Adornos Minima Moralia als philosophischer Klassiker ist eine zweifelhafte Ehrung. Zweifelhaft, weil sich das Werk dadurch oftmals des Anspruchs enthoben sieht, gelesen – und mehr noch – gedeutet zu werden. Betrachtet man jedoch die Gegenwart als Prüfstein für die Kraft des Denkens, stellt sich der bestimmende Antagonismus als ein Kampf gegen das Vergessen dar. Wider das Vergessen, sei es durch ausbleibende oder zu wohlwollende Rezeption, behaupten sich die Minima Moralia als Materialien des Denkens, selbst oder gerade an den unzähligen Stellen, an denen ihr philosophischer Gehalt bis in die Unkenntlichkeit abzugleiten droht. Diese Materialen zu lichten, bildet die Absicht des vorliegenden Buchs.

Beiträge anderer CMB Centristen: Ernesto Eldridge, Yasmin Afshar, und  Katia Genel

Se professionnaliser dans l’exil par la musique. Le cas d’un musicien de l’orchestre Orpheus XXI (Jordi Savall)

20 avril 2023


“Professionalization in Exile through Music. The Case of a Musician in the Orchestra Orpheus XXI (Jordi Savall)”

Orpheus XXI is an orchestra founded by Catalan conductor and gambist Jordi Savall in 2016 upon receiving a grant from the European Union’s Creative Europe programme. The orchestra targets migrant musicians. It allows them to continue to practice their profession as performers in exile and they are also mobilized in the framework of workshops where they teach to children and teenagers. These workshops are places of transmission of musical repertoires of which these artists are the masters. The project was implemented in France, Spain (Catalonia) and Norway from 2016 to 2018. Since 2018, pedagogical workshops have spread into Germany under the name Orpheus XXI NRW.
This article examines the life course (parcours), biography and career of a refugee musician playing with the Orpheus XXI NRW orchestra, Azad Helez. The three notions evoked above are tools meant to uncover how the German institutions he evolves in deal with the question of alterity. The life course (parcours) pertains to the paths that the person takes in the private or public spaces that make up his or her existence, as well as the environments (professional, personal, familial, institutional) that he or she encounters. The musician’s agency is thus highlighted. The career focuses solely on the work environment and analyses a person’s path within this world. The biography is the construction of a narrative, the establishment of continuity a posteriori by the actor’s reflexivity, for an audience. The issues are thus to observe, on the one hand, how Azad adjusts to the structures of his host society, and on the other hand, how the structures apprehend music: as a cultural device at the service of society? as a device for the inclusion of people who find themselves in a situation of migration? A biographical approach allows us to take into account this articulation between the individual and institutional scales.
Based on an ethnographic fieldwork conducted with this musician, this article addresses the role of music in the way a migrant person can build a professional career in his host country. Azad engages in professionalization through music in the different stages of his journey from Syrian Kurdistan to his host country Germany. How can music be a vector of inclusion for people in a situation of forced migration? By constructing his biography – his childhood, the learning of music, the different stages of his exile – and by analysing the way he leads his life in Germany, we can uncover the processes accounting for Azad’s conducting his musical activities today, and for making music a tool for professional inclusion, in a constant tension between professional interests and personal concerns for his family.
Indeed, throughout his exile, Azad arises as a musician. He teaches music, composes, carries out projects, participates in the workshops of Orpheus XXI NRW with whom he gives concerts, plays in several ensembles. His peers offer him recognition, which allows him to achieve the status of musician. He is committed to practising highly quality music, and views his skills as a source of income. He engages with musical structures on which he can rely, such as the Orpheus XXI NRW ensemble and the Landesmusikakademie in Cologne, where he has the status of a learner; the Musikschule in Bochum and the Salar Music shop, where he is a teacher. In the case of Azad, professionalization through music is a vector for social and professional inclusion in Germany, in the land of NRW. On the other hand, Azad is confronted with the instability of the profession of musician, which prompts him to ponder over following alternative careers and to rekindle past interests.

Climate Change in Russia – history, science and politics in global perspectives

17 avril 2023

Katja, Doose, Marianna Poberezhskaya (,Michael Oppenheimer, Gary Yohe)

Artikel (Online)

Edition: Springer Nature

For the Holy War and Motherland: Ottoman State Orphanages (Darüleytams) in the Context of the First World War and the Armenian Genocide

28 mars 2023

Special Issue "Kinder in Heimen", ed. by Anelia Kassabova, Sandra Maß (Hg.)
Edition: L’Homme. Europäische Zeitschrift für Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft 34/1 (2023): 39-59
Collection: Special Issue "Kinder in Heimen", ed. by Anelia Kassabova, Sandra Maß (Hg.)

Eine postkoloniale Flüchtlingskrise - Die Aufnahme kambodschanischer Flüchtlinge im Spannungsfeld von Menschenrechten und Rassismus in Frankreich

20 mars 2023

ISBN: 978-3-8376-6468-3

Die südostasiatische Flüchtlingskrise schockierte in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren die Weltbevölkerung und führte zu riesigen Aufnahmeprogrammen. Von den europäischen Staaten nahm Frankreich in dieser Zeit die meisten Flüchtlinge auf. Für diese Initiative waren die Verflechtungen von humanitären Aktivisten und Aktivistinnen, dem französischen Nationalstaat sowie innenpolitische Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Konservativen und Linken von zentraler Bedeutung. Laura Wollenweber stellt das historische Zusammenwirken dieser Aspekte heraus und legt zugleich dar, welche herausragende Stellung humanitäre Empathie und globale Menschenrechtsdiskurse sowie rassistische Denkmuster aus der Kolonialzeit für den Aufnahmeprozess besaßen. Darüber hinaus wird deutlich, wie die Aufnahme der Flüchtlinge aus dem ehemaligen Indochina die heutige französische Wahrnehmung von Flucht und Migration prägte.

Une conversation : Annie Ernaux et Rose-Marie Lagrave

03 mars 2023

Annie Ernaux et Rose-Marie Lagrave

Edition: Edition de l'EHESS
Collection: Audiographie

Édité par Sarah Carlotta, Claire Mélot, Claire Tomasella
Postface de Paul Pasquali

Avant de se rencontrer à un colloque de l'École normale supérieure, elles avaient mutuellement lu leurs écrits. Annie avait suivi avec intérêt les articles de Rose-Marie dans la revue fondée par Pierre Bourdieu, Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, Rose-Marie attendu avec un grand empressement chaque roman d’Annie, portées par ce sentiment d’identification si rare entre deux domaines de la pensée longtemps considérés comme opposés. Et pourtant, que ce soit par la sociologie ou la littérature, les démarches des deux autrices se ressemblent: socioanalyse, « auto-sociobiographie » ou comment l’écriture de soi produit une connaissance du social. Dans ce dialogue intellectuel et intime, la romancière Annie Ernaux et la sociologue Rose-Marie Lagrave, issues de la même génération, se livrent à une réflexion sur leurs trajectoires sociales: elles évoquent autant leurs points communs – familles modestes, normandes, bercées par le catholicisme –, que la manière différente dont elles se conçoivent en tant que transfuges de classe. Elles partagent ici leurs parcours, leurs lectures (de Pierre Bourdieu à Virginia Woolf), leurs rapports au travail, à la reconnaissance et à la vieillesse, et donnent à penser l’amitié féministe et l’écriture comme voies vers l’émancipation.

Simulative Souveränität. Eine Soziologie Politischer Ordnungsbildung

01 mars 2023

Edition: Konstanz University Press
ISBN: ISBN 978-3-8353-9155-0

Awkward Archives

01 mars 2023

Jonas Tinius, Bernd Scherer, Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock, Hannes Hacke, Yann LeGall,Franka Schneider, Tahani Nadim

Edition: Archive Books
ISBN: 978-3-948212-92-9

Awkward Archives proposes a manual for academic teaching and learning contexts. An ethnographic research approach is confronted with the demands of archival research as both disciplines challenge their inner logics and epistemologies. Through fieldwork and ethnographic tools and methods, both analogue and digital, the editors take various contemporary archival sites in Berlin as case studies to elaborate on controversial concepts in Western thought. Presenting as such a modular curriculum on archives in their awkwardness—with the tensions, discomfort and antagonisms they pose.

With case studies on Haus der Kulturen der Welt, the Hahne-Niehoff Archive and the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, among others.