Dr. Lucile Debras | Administrator UMIFRE

Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin
Email: lucile.debras  ( at )  cmb.hu-berlin.de Tel: +49 (0) 30 / 20 93 70 706

Home Institution : CNRS | Position : Administrator UMIFRE, ANR and ERC-Projects |


Lucile Debras, Ingénieure d’études at CNRS, works at the Centre Marc Bloch since April 2011. After her PhD in contemporary history at University Paris – Sorbonne Nouvelle (2008: Institute for European Studies „The Relations between the European Parliament and the national Parliaments in Belgium, Germany and France“) she has been hired at the CNRS in July 2009. Till December 2009 she was operative in the "Direction for partnership (with other academic organisms)", then from January 2010 till April 2011 in the Institute for Human and Social Sciences (InSHS).

At the Centre Marc Bloch Lucile Debras is responsible for the administration and the budget of the French structures (UMIFRE 14 of the Foreign Minister and UAR 3130 of the CNRS), and managing third party founded projects: for exemple ERC, ANR-DFG, or IRN. She is also mandatary for professional training and development, and security officer.