
Various possibilities exist to become a researcher and member of the Centre Marc Bloch:

• CNRS statutory researchers can apply for an assignment at the CMB for a maximum of three years, renewable for one year. If you are a CNRS researcher and you are interested in an academic stay at the CMB, please contact the CMB Director directly.

• This is equally valid for teacher-researchers in France, who can stay for up to two years in Berlin by means of an accueil en délégation [delegatory reception].

• The CMB also has several research positions funded by the BMBF or the MESRI, or by projects (ERC, BMBF, CNRS, ANR-DFG, ...). Whenever such a position is available, it will be published on the Appels à candidatures page.

• Researchers from the EHESS and the Université de Strasbourg can be hosted at the Centre as visiting professors within the framework of the “Chaire Marc Bloch.”

• Lastly, it is possible to be affiliated to the Centre as a “researcher/associate researcher.” You will find the Verein’s terms of application here and the application form here.

• The Centre also welcomes short-term researchers benefitting from a grant from the CMB or from other institutions for a research residency.

All researchers must be integrated in one of the CMB’s four Research Poles and actively participate in the selected Pole’s research activities and the CMB’s shared scientific life.

The PhD students’ rights and obligations at the CMB are outlined in the following documents:

Here you will find our call bids for research positions and for short-term fellowships for researchers.

More information:

Financing and Career