Key Seminar

Organisation:  Susann Baller, Marieke Louis, Shaïn Morisse, Laure Piguet et Jay Rowell

The research seminar lies at the core of the Centre Marc Bloch’s scientific policy. Open to any interested outsider, it will serve as the forum for prioritising exchanges between researchers at the CMB. On-going projects are presented and discussed from an international and interdisciplinary perspective. Regularly hosted by visiting researchers, the research seminar is also a forum for exchange with other scientific institutions.

At each session, a research project is subject to collective discussion. The exchanges that these interventions give rise to will nourish the theoretical, methodological, and thematic reflection on issues researched by the human and social sciences. Bringing together the CMB’s different research perspectives, it benefits scientific exchanges across and beyond disciplinary divides and national research traditions.

The research seminar is held from 10h to 12h every fortnight, except during the inter-semestrial break (from mid-February to mid-April). Each speaker is assigned forty to forty-five minutes. Each speaker, whether communicating, discussing or participating at the proceedings, can express himself/herself in the language of their choice (French, German or English)

Program for the summer semester 2025:

07.04.2025 I 18:00-20:00
Inaugural conference Book presentation : Die Königin Nofretetes globale Karrieren
With Sebastian Conrad (FU Berlin)
Commentary: Susann Baller (CMB)
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

28.04.2025 I 10:00-12:00
PhD presentation - Feministische, rechtsradikale und postmigrantische Kultur. Eine Begriffsgeschichte im postkolonialen Frankreich
With Christian Jacobs (FU Berlin, CMB)
Commentary : Onur Erdur (HU Berlin)
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

12.05.2025 I 10:00-12:00
Book presentation: La perspective du possible. Vers une politique des mondes
With Haud Gueguen and Laurent Jeanpierre (CNAM-CNRS, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Commentary: Frank Müller (CMB)
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

02.06.2025 I 10:00-12:00
Défendre les droits des femmes dans la Guerre froide tardive. Une sociographie du 'féminisme global' (1975-1995)
With: Ioana Cirstocea (CNRS-CEFRES)
Commentary: Sarah Kiani (CMB)
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

17.06.2025 I 14:00-16:00
Book presentation: Sociologie des circuits financiers. Les infrastructures de l’argent et leurs politiques
With Eve Chiapello (EHESS) and Ilias Naji (ZNWU-CMB)
Commentary: Jay Rowell (CMB)
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

07.07.2024 I 10:00-12:00
Book presentation: Le genre du capital: Enquêter sur les inégalités dans la famille
With Sibylle Gollac (CRESPPA-CNRS), Jeanne Puchol (Illustratrice), Céline Bessière (Université Paris-Dauphine)
Commentary: Nazan Maksudyan, Layla Kiefel (CMB)
Place : Germaine-Tillion-Saal



Past events:


Program for the wintersemester 2024/2025:

16.10.2024 | 10.00-12.00
Book presentation : L’État de l’exil : Les juifs, l’Europe, Israël
With: Danny Trom (CNRS, LIER-FYT, EHESS)
Commentary: Marieke Louis (CMB)
Place:  Germaine-Tillion-Saal

04.11.2024 | 18.00-20.00
Inaugural Conference - Book presentation: Vers l’écologie de guerre. Une histoire environnementale de la paix
With: Pierre Charbonnier (CNRS, Sciences Po)
Commentary: Isabelle Desportes (RWTH Aachen/CMB)
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

18.11.2024 | 10.00-12.00
/!\ CANCELED - Book presentation: Fortschritt und Regression
With: Rahel Jaeggi (Humboldt-Universität)
Commentary:Frank Müller (Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt/CMB)
Place : Germaine-Tillion-Saal

Replaced by : Presentation of the documentary Allers et retours à la terre.
by Eric Wittersheim (EHESS/CMB).
Place : Germaine-Tillion-Saal

09.12.2024 | 10.00-12.00
Europe and the Changing Global Order since 1900
With: Patricia Clavin ((University of Oxford)
Commentary: Patricia Hertel
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

16.12.2024 | 10.00-12.00
Book presentation: Artisans Abroad. British Migrant Workers in Industrialising Europe, 1815-1870
With: Fabrice Bensimon (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
Commentary: Laure Piguet (CMB)

20.01.2025 | 10.00-12.00
Präsentation der Dissertation: Annie Ernaux’ autosoziobiographische Form und Methode: Eine Sichtbarmachung sozialer und geschlechtlicher Herrschaftsverhältnisse
With: Sarah Hechler (Freie Universität/CMB)
Commentary: TBA
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

10.02.2025 | 10.00-12.00
Meeting organised by the equality delegates
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

Program for the summer semester 2024:

25.04.2024 | 18.00-20.00
Jahresvortrag- Présentation de livre: "Balance of Power. Central Banks and the Fate of Democracies"
With: Eric Monnet (EHESS)
Commentary: Josephine Mayer
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

06.05.2024 | 10.00-12.00
The Constitutional Court of Turkey between legal and political reasoning
With: Sylvia von Steinsdorf (HU zu Berlin)
Commentary: Esra Demir-Gürsel
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

27.05.2024 | 10.00-12.00
L’accès sous tensions : les droits sociaux entre contrôle administratif et action publique de la lutte contre les inégalités sociales en France et en Allemagne
With: Nikola Tietze und Olivier Giraud (CMB/Lise Cnam CNRS)
Commentary: Jay Rowell
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

10.06.2024 | 10.00-12.00
Repenser le travail au regard de sa soutenabilité sociale et écologique
With: Benedicte Zimmermann (EHESS)
Commentary: Antonin Pottier
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

24.06.2024 | 10.00-12.00
Présentation de livre: "L'histoire libérale de la modernité : Race, nation, classe"
With: Florence Hulak (Université Paris 8)
Commentary: Yasmin Afshar
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

08.07.2024 | 10.00-12.00
Présentation de livre : "La toile carcérale. Une histoire de l'enfermement en Palestine"
With: Stéphanie Latte Abdallah (CESOR-CNRS)
Commentary: Leyla Dakhili
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

Program for the wintersemester 2023/2024:

06.11.2023 | 10.00-12.00
Pourquoi sourit-on en photographie?
Commentary: Serge Reubi
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

05.12.2023 | 18.00-20.00
Jahresvortrag mit Burcu Dogramaci - Das Wissen der Städte: Metropolen, Exil und moderne Kunst
With: Burcu Dogramasci (LMU München)
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

11.12.2023 | 10.00-12.00
Book presentation - Scarcity: A History from the Origins of Capitalism to the Climate Crisis
With: Fredrik Albritton Jonsson (University of Chicago) and Carl Wennerlind (Columbia University)
Commentary: Marius Bickhardt
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

18.01.2024 | 10.00-12.00
Présentation d’ouvrage: L’avenir confisqué
With: Nicolas Duvoux (Université Paris 8)
Commentary: Alexandra Oeser
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

29.01.2024 | 10.00-12.00
Buchpräsentation: Nach dem Privateigentum?
With: Tilman Reitz and Silke Van Dyk (Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena)
Commentary: Nikola Tietze
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

19.02.2024 | 10.00-12.00
Sexualisierte Belästigung, Diskriminierung und Gewalt im Kontext von Forschungsorganisationen. Perspektiven und Herausforderungen
With: Heike Pantelmann (FU Berlin)
Commentary: Nazan Maksudyan
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

26.02.2024 | 10.00-12.00
Livres ambulants et feuilles volantes durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale
With: Hélène Martinelli (ENS Lyon)
Commentary: Gesine Brede
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

Program for the summer semester 2023:

24.04.2023 | 10.00–12.00
Charlotte Halpern - Climate action plan's inventories: what do cities measure and how does it shape their priorities?
With: Charlotte Halpern (Sciences Po Paris/CMB)
Commentary: NN
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal, CMB 

09.05.2023 | 14.00–16.00
Philippe Sands - From East West Street to The Ratline: Justice, Ukraine and Beyond
With: Philippe Sands (University College London)
Commentary: Fabien Théofilakis / Guillaume Mouralis (CMB)
Place: Georg-Simmel-Saal

22.05.2023 | 10.00–12.00
Buchpräsentation - Armin Schäfer/Michael Zürn: Die demokratische Regression
With: Armin Schäfer (Universität Mainz)
Commentary: NN
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

05.06.2023 | 10.00–12.00
Leyla Dakhli - Archives révolutionnaires: ce que nous racontent les soulèvements post-coloniaux au sud de la Méditerranée
With: Leyla Dakhli (CMB)
Commentary: Nora El-Quadim (Paris 8/CMB)
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

12.06.2023 | 10.00–12.00
Justine Lacroix: Libéralisme et démocratie, des liens compliqués
With: Justine Lacroix (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Commentary: Céline Jouin (Université de Caen Normandie)
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

26.06.2023 | 10.00–12.00
Forschungskolloquium mit Manon Garcia
With: Manon garcia (FU Berlin/Paris 1)
Commentary: Cornelia Möser(CNRS, CRESPPA/CMB)
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal

10.07.2023 | 10.00–12.00
Forschungskolloquiumssitzung mit den Gleichstellungsbeauftragten
Place: Germaine-Tillion-Saal