The Centre Marc Bloch’s Equality Delegates

The Centre Marc Bloch’s Equality Delegates

Equality delegates are elected each year at the Centre Marc Bloch. Their role is to observe, inform, advise, and arbitrate on the various forms of discrimination and harassment in the workplace. To this end, they regularly offer training on these topics and support their organization. With observer status, delegates are invited to the Selection Committee and to the Research Unit Council. The delegates produce an annual report that is presented and discussed at the Research Unit Council and at the General Assembly.


Equality action at the CMB is as equally concerned with gender equality as with that between the diverse statutes represented at the Centre (PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, professors, administrative staff, etc.). Prevention from any form of discrimination (racial, gender, sexual orientation, valid / disabled status, age, health status, etc.) is also paramount. The delegates regularly organize seminars on topics such as sexual harassment in the workplace and during different stages of one’s career, particularly as far as women are concerned.


For 2024/2025, the equality delegates areNazan Maksudyan and Layla Kiefel


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