Doctoral candidates

Funding opportunities for PhD candidates

Supervision and training of PhD students represent a major part of CMB's activities.

You have several possibilities to become a PhD student member at the Centre Marc Bloch:

By obtaining an association at the CMB, the PhD student will be supervised by a tutor responsible for advising him/her and facilitating his/her integration into Berlin university life. PhD students can choose their tutors from among CMB researchers. The application form for an affiliation is available here.

Medium and long-term fellowships may be awarded to CMB PhD students in order to complete their dissertation or toward developing post-doctoral projects.

Lastly, the CMB publishes calls for tender for doctoral contracts at regular intervals.

Calls for applications for scholarships and doctoral contracts are, where appropriate, available on the following page.

Finally, it is also possible to apply for ‘Visiting PhD’ status for a stay of less than 6 months. In this case, you should send an application file containing your CV and research project, explaining the purpose of your stay and the possibilities for integration into the CMB to

The PhD students’ rights and obligations at the CMB are outlined in the following documents:

Queries and applications for a short-term fellowship or an affiliation should be addressed to the following e-mail address: