The Research Unit Council

The Research Unit Council

The Research Unit Council enjoys an advisory role; it is consulted by the CMB Director with respect to:

- The research unit’s scientific policy,

- Funding applications,

- The appointment of members to particular functions,

- The CMB training program.

Chaired by the CMB’s Director, the Council convenes at least five times a year. The CMB’s Vorstand keeps the Board updated concerning the policy of the funding bodies and its implications for the CMB’s development as well as the association of new members. The CMB’s rules of procedure precisely set out the Research Unit Council’s operating procedures (to download here).

The Board’s ex-officio members are: the three members of the CMB Vorstand; the CMB e.V.’s  Secretary General; and the UMIFRE administrator. Researchers, PhD students and the CMB’s administrative staff are also represented in the Council. The Council’s appointed or elected members have a one-year, renewable term.