Adélie Chevée | Mobilitätstipendiatin

Ehemaliges Mitglied
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin
E-Mail: Adelie_Chevee  ( at ) Tel: +49(0) 30 / 20 93 70700

Mutterinstitut : School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) | Position : Doctorante | Fachbereich : Politikwissenschaft |


A graduate in European Affairs from Sciences Po Paris, and in International Relations form Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Adélie Chevée achieved an MPhil thesis on the political activism of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, at Oxford University. Drawing on the work of French philosopher Jacques Rancière, she explored how a politically qualified subject is articulated in light of experiences of exile, throughout a study of the discourse of Syrian refugee communities in Lebanon between 2011 and 2014.

Since 2015, Adélie is a PhD candidate in politics and international studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). Her doctoral research focuses on the evolution of the Syrian intellectual field since 2011, with a particular focus on Beirut and Istanbul. During her field research (2016-2017), she was a doctoral fellow at the Orient Institut Beirut and the Institut Francais d'Etudes Anatoliennes in Istanbul.

  • Sociology of intellectuals in the contemporary Middle East
  • The notion of intellectual dispute in Political Theory
  • The Syrian intellectual field since 2011: media, social networks, academia and the cultural field in exile
Titel der Dissertation
Intellectual labour in times of change: Understanding the politics of critique in the Syrian revolutionary press (2011-2017) working title
Zusammenfassung der Dissertation

For my PhD project I explore changes in the Syrian public sphere by looking at the transformation of one intellectual practice: writing opinion articles in print. Why do Syrians keep writing and printing newspapers in the age of blogs and Facebook, and amid the difficult conditions of war, revolution and exile? I argue that revolutionaries make sense of intellectual labour by articulating an ideal target: shaping an autonomous and national public sphere to produce autonomous knowledge. In doing so, I go beyond the subalternity framework used to make sense of popular insurgencies; instead, I investigate the possibilities for radical politics. I posit these revolutionaries not as organic intellectuals better suited to represent the masses than an old intelligentsia, but as practicing “equality of intelligences” (Jacques Rancière) along with other public figures. Based on fieldwork in Turkey and Lebanon, I draw an in-depth case study of Syria’s intellectual field, by looking at transformations in the communication landscape at the local, national and transnational level.

Pr. Laleh Khalili

Funder and convenor of the interdisciplinary discussion group ‘Critical Theories and World Politics’ at Oxford University, funded by the Centre for International Studies, 2014/2015 


Talks and conferences

26-27 July 2017: 'Thinking the intellectual dispute: perspectives from the Syrian case' research paper presented at the International Workshop, ‘“Because of the War...” – Tracing Transformations in/of the Syrian Field of Cultural Production’ University of Marburg.

18 May 2017: 'Understanding Jumhuriya from Istanbul: an intervention in the Syrian intellectual dispute' research paper presented at the Institut Francais d'Etudes Anatoliennes, Istanbul.

10 April 2017: Participation to the doctoral workshop "Diversité des recherches sur les migrations en Turquie et mises en articulations possibles" ("Diversity of researches on migrations in Turkey and possibles linkages") with Catherine Wihtol de Wenden (CNRS) and Murat Erdogan (Haccettepe University), International Symposium on Migrations in Turkey (10-12 April, organized by IFEA-Istanbul, HUGO Haccettepe University, with the support of UNHCR), Ankara.

19 January 2017: ‘Popular Intellectuals of the Syrian Revolution, 2011-2016: preliminary findings of a fieldwork in Beirut’ research paper presented at the Orient Institut Beirut, Lebanon.

6 June 2016: Ph.D. proposal presented at the SOAS Graduate Conference ‘Order and Contestation: Re-thinking the political’ in the panel ‘Communities of Resistance in the Middle East and North Africa’, SOAS, London.


Chevée, A. (2015) ‘Challenging the Principle of Distinction between Civilians and Combatants: A Critical Case Study of Militarized Syrian Refugees’, St. Antony's International Review, special issue: ‘Moral and Legal Dilemmas in Humanitarian Intervention’, Volume 11, Number 1, pp. 75-93.

Chevée, A. (2013) ‘Les réfugiés syriens au Liban : l'affirmation d'une existence politique’, in Berthelot, Pierre (Ed.), Théorie et pratique des relations internationales au Moyen-Orient, Les Cahiers du CCMO, Editions du Cygne, Paris. URL: