Octave Debary | Forscher Fellow

Ehemaliges Mitglied
Staat, Recht und politischer Konflikt
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin
E-Mail: octave.debary  ( at )  free.fr Tel: +49(0) 30 / 20 93 70700

Mutterinstitut : Université de Paris (Paris Descartes) | Position : Professeur d'anthropologie | Fachbereich : Ethnologie |


Octave Debary is an anthropologist, professor at the University of Paris (Paris Descartes, France), member of the CANTHEL laboratory (University of Paris Descartes). He is also associated professor at the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland (anthropology of museum and art). His research and publications concern the following fields: the anthropology of objects and museography as well as the anthropology of heritage and memory. His main field of research is a project of comparative anthropology focusing on memory. It consists in the analysis of the operations surrounding the circulation of objects in cultural spaces (museums, memorials), trading spaces (second-hand shops, yard sales) and public spaces (malls, parks). He has published several books on these subjects: Vide-greniers with Howard S. Becker (Créaphis, 2011). Montrer les violences extrêmes. Expositions, musées, with Annette Becker (eds), (Créaphis, 2012). Voyage au Musée du quai Branly, with Mélanie Roustan, prefaced by James Clifford (La Documentation française, 2012). Que faire des restes? Le réemploi dans les sociétés d’accumulation(collectif), Presses Universitaires de Sciences Politiques (2017) and Resemblance in the Work of Jochen Gerz, (2017).




Hidden by the surface. Works about marine debris,Swaantje Güntzel (Œuvres et éd.), Octave Debary (Text in English, Dutch, French), Druck, Bonn, Germany, 2017, 98 p.


Anthropologia dos restosDa lixeira ao museu,Prefaced by Philippe Descola, introduction et translation by LeticiaMazzucchi Ferreira, Pelotas, Brazil, Um2 editions, 2017, 136p.


La ressemblance dans l’œuvre de Jochen Gerz/Resemblance in the Work of Jochen Gerz,(ouvrage français-anglais), Paris, Créaphis, 2017, 224p.


Que faire des restes ? Le réemploi dans les sociétés d’accumulation,with Natalie Benelli and al., Paris, Presses universitaires de Sciences Politiques, (Forthcoming,  March 2017), 60p.


Voyage au Musée du quai Branly, with Mélanie Roustan, Prefaced by James Clifford, Paris, La Documentation Française, 2012, 80p.


Montrer les violences extrêmes. Théoriser, créer, historiciser, muséographier,with Annette Becker (eds.), Paris,  2012, Créaphis, 350p.


Vide-greniers,with Howard S. Becker and Philippe Gabel, Paris, Créaphis, 2011, 104p.


Objets & Mémoires, with Laurier Turgeon (eds), Paris, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris) & Presses de l’Université Laval (Québec), 2007, 250p.


La fin du Creusot, Paris, Editions du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques, French Ministry of Research, 2002, 189p. 


Octave Debary (web site) :
