
Gudrun Krämer - Two Peoples in One Land? History, Politics, and Religion in Palestine/ Israel

March 05 | 18:00

Few conflicts are as deeply marked by the entanglement of religion and politics, with claims to collective identity, land, and status being projected back centuries if not millenia. In what has been termed “geo-theology,” collective rights and aspirations have been based on divine promise and a firm rootedness in “the land,” often at the expense of competing claims and aspirations. In an attempt to disentangle some of these entanglements, I will focus on the historical embeddedness not only of modern articulations of nation and ethnicity among both Jews and Arabs, from the late 19th to the early 21st century, but also of seemingly timeless notions of the holiness of the Holy Land, which will take us even further back into history and memory.

Gudrun Krämer is Professor emerita of Islamic Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. She has published widely on the history of the modern Middle East, especially Egypt and Palestine, as well as on Islamism in general and the Muslim Brotherhood in particular. Her Geschichte Palästinas (Munich: C.H. Beck, 6th ed. 2015) has been translated into several languages, including English (Princeton UP 2008, paperback ed. 2011).

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Esther Möller
esther.moeller  ( at )  cmb.hu-berlin.de


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