
What do the police know? - Comparative fields research

October 09 | 09:00

As for every profession, law enforcement is based on specific forms of knowledge (such as penal law, doctrine or occupational culture) rooted in every day policing, framing the way police officers deal with encounters and everyday issues. These cognitiveaspects of police work have been the focus of the French-­‐German research project CODISP since 2012.

Based on extensive field research in several police departments in France and Germany, this project highlights the diversity of formal and informal cognitive resources in the daily street work an management tasks of the police, the way these resources circulate within the police as well as with other institutions, and the effects of security policy reforms on these cognitive patterns and tools. The CODISP project also uses a comparative approach by confronting several local and national situations in France and Germany. The conference “What do the police know? Comparative fieldr esearch” that will take place at the Centre Marc Bloch (Berlin) on 09.10.2015 aims at presenting the results of the CODISP project and at discussing these findings with law enforcement and penal law specialists.

The discussions will be held in English.


Jérémie Gauthier
gauthier  ( at )  cmb.hu-berlin.de


9:00 – 9:30
Begrüssungswort: Catherine Gousseff
(Director of the Centre Marc Bloch Berlin)

Introduction: Jérémie Gauthier (Centre Marc Bloch Berlin)

Results of the German-­French CODISP project

9h30 – 10h45
Eva Kiefer (Humboldt University), Yannik Porsché (Frankfurt-­‐am-­‐ Main University)
“Practice research of preventive police work: networking in migrant communities and anti-­violence-­programmes in schools”
Commentator: Carsten Keller (Kassel University)

10h45 – 11h00
Coffee break

11h00 – 12h15
Thierry Delpeuch (PACTE-­‐CNRS), Jacqueline Ross (University of Illinois)
“The Democratic Governance of Intelligence: New Models of Participation and Expertise in Policing”
Commentator: Peter K. Manning (Northeastern University)


Lunch break


Comparative field research:

14h00 – 15h15
Jacques de Maillard (CESDIP, University of Versailles-­‐Saint-­‐Quentin-­‐ en-­‐Yvelines)
“Police decisions to control in France and Germany”
Sinan Çankaya
(Postdoctoral research fellow, VU University Amsterdam)

Peter K. Manning (Northeastern University)
“The role of fieldwork in discovery what police know”
Commentator: Fritz Sack (Institut für Kriminologische Sozialforschung, Hamburg)

16h30– 16h45
Coffee break

16h45 – 18h00
Fabien Jobard (Centre Marc Bloch, CNRS)
“Learnings from comparative research about policing”
Commentator: Hartmut Aden (Berlin School of Economics and Law)

18h00 – 18h15: Conclusion


Friedrichstraße 191
