Alina Viehoff | Clisec UNSC - Wissenschatliche Mitarbeiterin
Former Member
Since 2019, Alina Viehoff works as a researcher in the project “Climate change in security perceptions, conceptions and practice at the United Nations Security Council” at the IFSH. She studied Geography at Kiel University, Exeter University (UK) and at the University of Hamburg with a focus on Critical Human Geography. In addition, she participated in the one-year "Peacebuilding" program run by the Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Centre for Science and Peace Research. From 2018 to 2019, she worked in the DFG-funded project “The Knowledge Politics of Security in the Anthropocene” at the IFSH.
In the context of the project, Alina Viehoff engages with the perception and conception of security risks and threats by the climate change of the member states of the UNSC. Based on a broad understanding of security, this question will be investigated by conducting 15 country case studies. In addition, she engages with social differentiation processes on individual to global scales. In particular, the postcolonial perspective on the idea of development and development cooperation is of central importance. As part of her Master's thesis, she conducted a discourse-theoretical and critical analysis of the relationship between migration, security and development in current German development policy.