Dr. habil. Elsa Tulmets | Associated Researcher

Home Institution
Europa-Universität Viadrina
Coordinator of the PFC-Program, Europa-University Viadrina, Francfurt/Oder; Assoziierte Forscherin am Centre Marc Bloch
Political Science
Elsa Tulmets is associated researcher as the French-German Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin. Since 2018, she is in charge of the coordination of the programme „Pensées françaises contemporaines“ at the Europa-University Viadrina of Francfurt/Oder, in cooperation with University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the CMB. She was also lecturer at the Viadrina in 2018/19. From 2012 to 2018, she was associated researcher at the Institute of International Relations (IIR) in Prague. In 2016, she was project director at the French-German-Polish Foundation Genshagen, where she is regularly invited as an expert of the foreign policy of the European Union and its member states.
Elsa Tulmets was, successively, a Jean Monnet fellow at the European University Institute in Florence (2005-06), a research fellow at the IIR in Prague (2006-2011) and at the French-Czech research center CEFRES (2006-2011), and a Marie Curie Fellow at Sciences Po / CERI where she coordinated from 2012 to 2015 the project EUTRANSGOV (7th EU FP: “Transferring good governance to EU´s Eastern Neighbourhood”). She holds an MA in international relations from Sciences Po Paris, a PhD in political science and international relations from both Sciences Po and the Free University Berlin, and a habilitation (HDR) in political science from Sciences Po Paris.
She teaches on European issues at the Europa-University Viadrina and at Sciences Po Lille. She taught international relations and EU foreign policy in several European universities, among others in Sciences Po Paris, Freie Universität Berlin, Europa-University Viadrina, Charles University Prague, and College of Europe in Bruges. She published several books and articles on the foreign policy of the European Union and its member states (France, Germany, Central Eastern Europe), as well as on the transfers and circulation of European norms in its foreign policy (enlargement, European Neighbourhood, Eastern Partnership).
The management of European crises from the capital cities: the role of administrative cooperation and of civil society
“Exchange officers: between socialisation and management of European crises”
Part of the project concentrates on the role officers in exchange play in the prevention and management of recent crises. It explores in a historical perspective how the position of officer in exchange developed at the French-German level, a position which takes one of the most original forms of overcoming State approaches in fields which are traditionally considered as being of regalian nature.
“Civilan society as transmission belt between administrations and society”
The project is also interested in investigating the role of civil society as making the link between various levels of actors, here administrations and society.
The management of European crises from the capital cities: the role of administrative cooperation and of civil society
While European integration seems more than ever threatened in its own identity through the multiplication of internal and external crises in its immediate neighbourhood, this project is interested in investigating how the politico-administrative elites of capital cities from the Member States of the European Union (EU) contribute to define and to manage European policies on a daily basis. In the field of the sociology of Europe, not so many scholars have paid attention to the links between higher civil servants from the EU member states and the way European construction takes place, not within European institutions, but between Brussels and the capitals, and also among capital cities. Therefore, how are European crises managed from the capital cities of the member States of the European Union?
Crises are studied here in the field of foreign policy (crises in the European neighbourhood) as well as within the EU (e.g. food safety), and also in fields linking both internal and external issues (e.g. migration crisis). The project also highlights how these administrative practices circulate among EU Member States (France, Germany, Central Eastern European countries) and take various formats, especially after the last EU enlargements.
Books and special issues:
- Norm Transfer and Circulation in International Relations. The Case of the European Union and its Neighbourhood, habilitation thesis, Sciences Po Paris, December 2015. (in preparation)
- East Central European Foreign Policy Identity in Perspective: Back to Europe and the Eastern Neighbourhood. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
- Constructivism and Rationalism in European External Relations. The Case of the European Neighbourhood Policy, with Petr Kratochvíl, Nomos: Baden-Baden, 2011.
- La conditionnalité dans la politique d’élargissement de l’Union européenne à l’Est : un cadre d’apprentissages et de socialisation mutuelle ?, doctoral thesis in political science / IR, Sciences Po Paris / Freie Universität Berlin, 25 September 2005.
Ouvrages dirigés
- Policy Transfer and Norm Circulation: Towards an Interdisciplinary and Comparative Approach, with Laure Delcour (eds.), New York: Routledge, 2019.
- Identities and Solidarity in Foreign Policy: East Central Europe and the Eastern Neighbourhood, (ed.), Prague: Institute of International Relations, 2012.
- Le Partenariat franco-allemand. Entre européanisation et transnationalisation, (eds.) with Dorota Dakowska, Paris : L’Harmattan, 2011. Coll. Chaos international.
- Pioneer Europe? Testing EU Foreign Policy in the Neighbourhood, (eds.) with Laure Delcour, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2008.
Special issues
- “Competing Conditionalities: Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus between the European Union and Russia”, special issue with Alena Vysotskaya-Vieira (eds.), Eastern Policy Studies (EPS), 2018.
- « L’exportation des normes au-delà de l’Union européenne » (ed.), Politique européenne, (46), 2014.
- “Identity and Solidarity in Foreign Policy: Investigating East Central European Relations with the Eastern Neighbourhood” (ed.), Perspectives, 19 (2), 2011.
Book chapters:
- “Constructivist approaches to the study of the ENP”, with Petr Kratochvíl, in : Schumacher Tobias, Demmelhuber Thomas, Marchetti Andreas (eds.), The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy, New York: Routledge, 2018, pp. 70-80.
- „The Foreign Policy of Central Eastern EU Members“, in: Kopecký Jan, Fagan Adam (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of East European Politics, New York: Routledge, 2018.
-“Rationalist and Constructivist Approaches to the European Neighbourhood Policy: A Prevalence of Interests over Discourses ?”, in Gstöhl Sieglinde, Schunz Simon (eds.), Theorizing the European Neighbourhood Policy, New York: Routledge, 2017, pp. 25-41.
- « Les relations franco-allemandes face au conflit russo-géorgien: des initiatives diplomatiques parallèles » with Laure Delcour, in: Demesmay Claire, Koopmann Martin, Thorel Julien (eds.), L´Atelier du Consensus. Processus franco-allemands de communication et de décision, Cergy-Pontoise: CIRAC, 2014, pp. 99-111. (+ German version, Nomos)
- « Les Pays baltes et le voisinage oriental de l’Union européenne: une solidarité renouvelée?», with Katerina Kesa, in:Bayou Céline, Chillaud Matthieu (eds.), Les Etats baltes en transition. Le retour à l’Europe, Bruxelles: Peter Lang, 2012, pp. 221-238.
- « L’exportation des normes ‘molles’ dans la politique extérieure de l’UE : un ou plusieurs modèles ? », Politique européenne, (46), 2014, pp. 34-58.
- « La Moldavie et la politique de voisinage de l’Union européenne : quel partenariat ? », avec Laure Delcour, special issue lead by Julien Danero Iglesias, Petru Negurǎ and Djordje Tomic, Revue d’Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest, 46 (1), 2015, pp. 137-159.
- « La politique européenne de voisinage à la recherche d’un nouveau souffle », Questions internationales, (66), 2014, pp. 95-102.
- „Französische Nachbarschaftspolitik: Privilegierte Beziehungen mit dem Süden, begrenztes Interesse am Osten“, with Katrin Sold (DGAP), Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 19 April 2013. Online: http://www.bpb.de/internationales/europa/frankreich/154179/nachbarschaftspolitik
- “Is ‘Weimar Plus’ a Copy of ‘Visegrád plus’ ?”, Visegrad Revue, 16 April 2013. http://visegradrevue.eu/?p=1508
- “Identity and solidarity in the foreign policy of EU members: renewing the research agenda”, Perspectives, 19 (2), 2011, pp. 5-26.
- « La politique européenne de la République tchèque et sa présidence de l’Union européenne », Questions internationales, (36), 2009, pp. 86-93.
- « Les ‘nouveaux’ Etats membres et la politique européenne de voisinage », Annuaire français de relations internationales, Vol. X, 2009, pp. 595-612.