Dr. Emeline Fourment | Associated Researcher

Former Member
The State, Political Norms and Political Conflicts
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin
Email: emeline.fourment  ( at )  gmail.com Tel: +49(0) 30 / 20 93 70700

Home Institution : Centre d'Etudes Européennes Sciences Po. Paris | Position : Assistant Professor | Disciplines : Political Science , Sociology |


Emeline Fourment is Assistant Professor in political science at the University Rouen Normandie. She began to collaborate with the Chair of the History of Knowledge at the University of Konstanz during the winter semester 2020/2021 to work on a research project about the production and institutionalization processes of body knowledges in the German women's health movement [Zwischen Politik und Spiritualität. Produktion und Institutionalisierung von Körperwissen in der bundesdeutschen Frauengesundheitsbewegung (1970er˗1980er Jahre)]. She is also co-coorindator of the french-speaking research network on gender based violence VisaGe. Her dissertation examined appropriations of feminist theories by feminist activists within anti-authoritarian milieus in Berlin and Montréal.




Social movement studies, gender studies, health movements, restorative and transformative justice, qualitative methods.

Title of thesis

Theories in action. Appropriations of feminist theories within anti-authoritarian communities in Berlin and Montreal

Summary of thesis

This dissertation, which lies at the crossroads between sociology of activism, social history of political ideas and gender studies, examines the appropriations of feminist theories within anti-authoritarian communities in Berlin and Montreal, in a comparative perspective. It is based on two ethnographic field researches that combine observations, biographical interviews and archives.
First, this work highlights the intellectual dimension of anti-authoritarian activism by showing that academic sphere and anti-authoritarian communities overlap. It also shows that the more isolated from the political life of their country anti-authoritarian activists are, the more they develop a prefigurative action repertoire, which aims at creating autonomous spaces. Furthermore, looking at how anti-authoritarian feminists articulate theory and practice, this thesis brings out three (heteronormalized, lesbian, or sexual-intersectional) appropriations of queer theory. It argues that appropriations of feminist theories are shaped by collective identity processes which define anti-authoritarian sub-communities as much as they participate in these processes. Finally, this work analyzes feminist mobilizations against sexual violence within anti-authoritarian communities. It focuses on the way materialist, queer and/or intersectional feminist theories are used by activists. In this context, it demonstrates that theories cannot be considered as isolated from practices: they are mostly interwoven with organization repertoires (women-only or gender-mixed groups) and action repertoires (offensive or pedagogical actions).


Institution of thesis
Sciences Po Paris
Florence Haegel


(2020) « Femmes en noir. Stéréotypes de genre dans les blacks bloc ». La vie des idées [En ligne]: https://laviedesidees.fr/Femmes-en-noir.html

(2019) « 'Une 'dinosaure chercheuse' dans le milieu libertaire allemand. Effets d'une double casquette de chercheuse et de militante » Bulletins de méthodologie sociologique, 2019, 143 (1).

(2017) « Militantismes libertaire et féministe face aux violences sexuelles. Le cas de la gauche radicale de Göttingen. ». Sociétés Contemporaines, vol. 3 n°107, p.109-130.

(2017) « Le clivage matérialisme vs queer : un conflit générationnel ? La conciliation des approches féministes dans le militantisme féministe de Göttingen ». Nouvelles Questions Féministes, Dossier « Nouvelles formes de militantisme féministe », numéro 36/1, p. 48-65.

(2017) « 'Femmes, frappez en retour !' La lutte féministe contre les violences sexuelles en milieu militant, en France et en Allemagne ». Mouvements, vol 4. n°92. Co-écrit avec Hanaline Brel.