Francesco Di Maio | Associate Postgraduate

Former Member
Critical Thinking in the Plural. Conceptual Approaches in Research in the Social Sciences
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin
Email: francesco.dimaio6  ( at ) Tel: +49(0) 30 / 20 93 70700

Home Institution : Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna | Position : Francesco Di Maio is a PhD student in cotutorship between Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, PhD in Architecture and Design Cultures and the DEPP école doctorale of the EHESS (Paris). | Disciplines : Philosophy |


Francesco Di Maio is a PhD student in cotutorship between the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, PhD in Architecture and Cultures of Design, and the École doctorale in Droit, Etudes Politiques et Philosophie (DEPP) of the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) in Paris. 
Associate doctorate at the Centre Marc Bloch since 1 April 2022.

He graduated in Architecture at the Polytechnic of Turin (2014) and in Philosophy (2017) and in Semiotics (2020) at the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.

His research project is dedicated to the problem of spatialization in the philosophy of art and nature in Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling.

He is a member of the collective Settima Lettera and of the research group Prospettive - Ricerche in storia della filosofia italiana and an honorary member of the psychoanalytic association officinaMentis.

He edited the Italian edition of Andrew Culp, Dark Deleuze (Mimesis 2020).
His first monography is Univocità e individuazione. Gilles Deleuze lettore di Giovanni Duns Scoto (ventura 2023).


Doctoral scholarship awarded by the PhD in Architecture and Design Cultures at the University of Bologna


The problem of space in the early philosophy of Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling (1792-1805), with a focus on aesthetics and the philosophy of nature

Title of thesis
Saturation and excess. The Problem of Space in Schelling between Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Nature
Summary of thesis

The thesis of my research is a comprehensive interpretation of Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling's philosophical journey. Saturation and surplus are in fact the two tense poles against which the philosopher always clashed in all his works. Therefore, my dissertation attempts a cross-section of Schelling's path, in particular of his early period (1792-1804). Taking into consideration the early Commentary to Timaeus and the lectures on the Philosophy of Art, my research attempts a genealogy of the definition of architecture as frozen, spatialised or concrete music. Thus, it is precisely in the Timaeus-Commentary that the first glimpse of this conception can be found, where the demiurge, defined as the architect of the world (Weltbaumester), creates forms by modifying the great cosmological animal on the basis of harmonic proportions. For this reason, my research seeks, on the one hand, to analyse Schelling's relationship with the doctrine of hilozoism and, on the other, to assess the philosophical connotations of his conception of architecture.  

Institution of thesis
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
Andrea Borsari

Research project in aesthetics in the XXXVI cycle of the PhD in Architecture and Design Cultures at the University of Bologna, in cututorship with the PhD school in Law, Political Studies and Philosophy (DEPP) of the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris (EHESS). Associate doctorate at the Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin. 

Organisation of Events

- Envisioning Transitions : Bodies, buildings, and boundaries, 16th december, Bologna University;
- Nietzsche in Italia, 5th-7th decembre 2022, Istituto Italiano di Studi Filosofici, Naples ;

The problem of space in the aesthetics and philosophy of nature of F.W.J. v. Schelling

My research project seeks to analyze the problem of space in Schelling's philosophy, with a focus on his aesthetics and his philosophy of nature.

My research project seeks to analyze the problem of space in Schelling's philosophy, with a focus on his aesthetics and his philosophy of nature. In detail, the body of analysis identified is the first part of his production (1792-1805).
Specifically, the aim is to reconstruct a genealogy of the definition of architecture as frozen, spatialized or concrete music. Therefore, taking into consideration the three themes involved (music, nature, architecture), my research performs an analysis of the evolution of certain concepts throughout Schelling's career (hilozoism, matter, architecture, three-dimensionality). The most important textual junctures kept on consideration, therefore, are the Commentary to the Timaeus and the lectures on the Philosophy of Art. The research work, which began at the University of Bologna, continued in Berlin, hosted by the Centre Marc Bloch. 


22. Di Maio, Francesco, "Penetrating Planets: Schelling and the Anthrobscene" in «CPCL» 5(2), 2022, pp. S. 78–96. [journal article];

21. Di Maio, Francesco, "Recensione a Claudio Crapis e Giandomenico Crapis, Umberto Eco e la politica culturale della Sinistra, La nave di Teseo, Milano 2022", in «Pandora» 3 (2022), pp. 156-61; url = [review];

20. Di Maio, Francesco, «Già già già»: la plasticità al di là del trauma trascendentale? Recensione a Catherine Malabou e Slavoj Žižek, Il trauma: ripetizione o distruzione? Un confronto tra psicoanalisi, filosofia e neuroscienze, cur. Luigi Francesco Clemente e Franco Lolli, Giulianova: Galaad 2022, 107 pp., in «LITORaLE», URL = [review];

19. Di Maio, Francesco, Oltre l’onto-biologia. Sull’archeologia della persona di Paolo Godani, in «dinamopress», 17 settembre 2022, url = [review];

18. Di Maio, Francesco, Ibridi ed enunciazioni: Attorno a Bruno Latour, in Andrea Ghelfi (cur.), Connessioni precarie. Per una ecologia politica della rigenerazione: leggendo Haraway, Stengers e Latour, Verona: ombre corte 2022, pp. 72-83 [chapter in a collective book];

17. Di Maio, Francesco, Prefazione: Hешто горе: Introduzione alla vita non beata, in Gioele P. Cima, Motivi lacaniani: Scritti sul peggio, Napoli-Salerno: Orthotes 2022, pp. 1-8 [volume preface];

16. Culp, Andrew, Guerriglia subito per il comunismo sottrattivo, interview by Davide Tolfo, it. trans. and ed. by Francesco Di Maio, in «Not», 25 january 2022, URL = [italian translation and edition];

15. Greimas, Algirdas Julien, Prefazione alla traduzione francese, it. trans. and ed. by Irene Sottile and Francesco Di Maio, in «E|C», vol. 15, n. 33, 2021, pp. 287-93 [italian translation and edition];

14. Filippi, Massimo and Emilio Maggio, The extraneity of the inside and the intimacy of the outside, en. trand. by I. Sottile and F. Di Maio, in «Vestigia», vol. 3, n. 1, December 2021, pp. 223-34 [en. translation];

13. Di Maio, Francesco, Alea e anomia. Analisi gius-filosofica di un caso di computer art, in «Philosphy Kitchen», May 2021, URL =;

12. Filippi, Massimo, The Mirrors of Narcissus. Un-Natural constraints, en. trans. by I. Sottile and F. Di Maio, in «Vestigia», vol. 2, n. 2, October 2020, pp. 87-92 [en. translation];

11. Di Maio, Francesco, Nota di traduzione, in Andrew Culp, Dark Deleuze, Milano-Udine: Mimesis 2020, pp. 29-30 [translation note];

10. Di Maio, Francesco, Introduzione all’edizione italiana: Dark Deleuze, o del restauro filosofico, in Andrew Culp, Dark Deleuze, Milano-Udine: Mimesis 2020, pp. 9-15  [introduction to a book];

9. Andrew Culp, Dark Deleuze, ed. by F. Di Maio, Milano-Udine: Mimesis 2020 [italian translation];

8. Andrew Culp, Dark Deleuze, Milano-Udine: Mimesis 2020 [edition];

7. Di Maio, Francesco, Recensione a F. Leoni e R. Panattoni (a cura di), Voce Ipnosi Immagine, Orthotes 2018, in «Lo Sguardo», vol. 28, n. 1, 2019, pp. 321-6. Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3722394 [review];

6. Di Maio, Francesco, «Lo Stato è divino, senza dubbio». Su teologico e politico in Giovanni Gentile, in Francesco Cerrato (ed.), Attualismo e storia: Saggi su Giovanni Gentile, Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino 2019, pp. 139-56 [chapter in a collective book];

5. Gori, Roland, Un mondo senz’anima: La fabbrica dei terrorismi, it. trans. by Angela Peduto, eds. A. Peduto e F. Di Maio, Alberobello: poiesis 2018 [editorial curatorship];

4. Di Maio, Francesco, Sul riso assoluto: Artaud, Kane, in Alfonso Amendola, Francesco Demitry and Viviana Vacca (eds.), L'insorto del corpo: Il tono, l'azione, la poesia: Saggi su Antonin Artaud, Verona: ombre corte 2018, pp. 88-98  [chapter in a collective book];

3. Di Maio, Francesco, Recensione a Igor Pelgreffi (a cura di), Derrida chi? Un ritratto, tredici interviste, Napoli-Salerno,Orthotes, 2017, pp. 355, in «dianoia», vol. 28, 2019, pp. 332-5 [review];

2. De Fazio, Gianluca and Francesco Di Maio, Ecologia psico-sociale: Metastabilità e melanconia, in G. De Fazio and Paulo Fernando Lévano (eds.), Ecosofia: Percorsi contemporanei nel pensiero ecologico, Modena: Mucchi 2017 [chapter in a collective book];

1. Di Maio, Francesco, Nota bibliografica a P. Amoroso, G. De Fazio, R. Giannini, E. Lucatti, Corpo, linguaggio e senso. Tra Semiotica e Filosofia, Esculapio 2016 (pp. XIII, 131), in «Metodo», vol. 4, n. 2, 2016, pp. 347-51. Doi: 10.19079/metodo.4.2.347 [review].