Gesine Brede | Associated Researcher

Mobilities, Migrations, Reconfiguration of Spaces
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin

Home Institution : Goethe-Universität Frankfurt | Position : Research assistant/postdoc Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute for Romance Languages and Literatures - Regular TRANS.ARCH Fellow in Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Lima, Santa Fé/Argentina (EU-MSCA, term 2021-2025) | Disciplines : Literature |


09/ to 10/2023 Maison Française d'Oxford (CMB cooperation).

02/2022 to 08/2023 Research fellowships and teaching exchange with at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogotá, the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, and the Universidad Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires.

since 12/2021 Project assistant Trans.arch (EU-MSCA Horizon 2020, Archives in transition, Goethe University Frankfurt

since 09/2022 Research assistant, Orientation Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute for Romance Languages and Literatures, Goethe University Frankfurt

2021-2022 Lecturer Goethe University Frankfurt

2019-2021 French grammar school, Berlin

2019 Lecturer for German as a Foreign Language Goethe-Institut Freiburg and Berlin

2018 2nd state examination (German-French grammar school Freiburg)

2012-2016 Doctorate in Latin American Literature and Culture (Romance Studies), Goethe University Frankfurt

2012 DAAD doctoral scholarship Universidad de Buenos Aires

2008-2011 Research assistant project "Truth and Violence. The Discourse of Torture" (Volkswagen Foundation), University of Konstanz 

2008 Research Assistant SFB 485 Norm and Symbol, Project: "Marginal Conditions of the Social" University of Konstanz 

2008 Research Assistant Database "Religious Studies of Antiquity" University of Konstanz 

2008 M. A. and 1st State Examination in German and Romance Studies (French)

2005 Intermediate examination in Political Science

2004-2005 Study abroad Universitat de València

2002-2003 Foreign language assistant of the PAD, Lyon/St. Etienne


- Piracy, international law and the aesthetics of the mare liberum

- Huguenot travelogues

- Insulaires and archipelago theory  

- European border regimes in contemporary TV series about the Caribbean

- El río and the blue turn in South American jungle narratives

- Traces of the forensic turn and necropolitics in contemporary Latin American literature

- Adaptations of the myth of Antigone in German-French contexts

- The Francophone Caribbean in textbooks

- Political education and intercultural competences in foreign language teaching

- Spatial simulations in foreign language teaching

Title of thesis
Historia(s) buscada(s). The narrative of the niños desaparecidos in the political discourse and novel of the Argentine post-dictatorship
Summary of thesis

This dissertation deals with narratives of the so-called niños desaparecidos of Argentina, which were shaped by the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, the possibility established by them of identifying those children - now long since adults - via genetic testing, as well as a whole series of films, novels and series. In the process have emerged schemes of semantic overdeterminations that fulfil specifically cathartic functions in the perspective of the reception, which pass through the dramatic recognition of the children and allow the temporal continuity as well as the socio-cultural coherence of the now feminised nación argentina to be conveyed in the image of the restored genealogies. The interplay of legal institutions, gene databases, the abuelas and psychologists shows that in Argentina, as in the United Nations Charter on the Rights of the Child, prevails a postcolonial concept of identity that fulfils the desiderata of Spivak's strategic essentialism, but may not have a lasting effect on promoting (democratic) discourse. This work discusses this using approaches to the theory of reception by Ricoeur, Iser and others on the basis of political texts, four novels (Osorio: A veinte años, Luz, Rosenberg: Un hilo rojo, Kohan: Dos veces junio, Vázquez Montalbán: Quinteto de Buenos Aires) as well as a mini-series from the years 1995 to 2012, supplemented by considerations contextualised by the politics of memory, which also take into account forms of remediatisation (Erll/Rigney).

Institution of thesis
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Prof. Dr. Roland Spiller

 - DFG Network "At the Margins of Modernity. Convergence of Subject Conception between Pre- and Postmodernity" (Dr. Stephanie Béreiziat-Lang)
- DFG Network "Voices and Agencies: America and the Atlantic, 1600-1865" (Dr. Elena Furlanetto, Dr. Ilka Brasch)

Organisation of Events

Coloquio internacional: Archivos: entramados y transformaciones polifónicas de la memoria en Colombia

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá 8-10 August 2023

Spatial Constructions and International (Maritime) Law in Francophone and Hispanophone Narratives of Piracy (1590-1720)

I am interested in early modern texts in French and Spanish about piracy in the Caribbean and South America. My aim is to explore cultural traces of the debates on the emerging law of nations (especially de Vitoria's ius communicationis & Grotius' mare liberum) on the narrative level of the texts resp. the mise en scène of the pirate as a heroic figure as well as in the representations of aquatic spaces. Only in very few cases is this about conflicts on the high seas (contrary depictions from Portugal or from 19th century onwards), but rather about harbours and port cities, bays, coasts and beaches, islands, archipelagos and peninsulas, rivers and its hinterland, etc. While a fear of water is noticeable in the Spanish texts, French texts are characterised more by geographically inspired forms of travel writing. The question arises to what extent Catholic and Protestant forms of spatial representations come into play in this period of early globalisation. The focus on France and Spain serves to place two central imperial powers in a seldom pursued comparative perspective in their forms of border demarcation, spatial occupation, dealing with Alterity and colonial self-legitimisation. With the focus on the sea as the point of departure of a still prevailing legal universalism not only in International Maritime Law but also in Human Right Conception, the project connects to nowadays' discussions about cosmopolitism and the legal status of the (deep) sea.   

Kannibalismus im Zeichen des ‚gerechten Krieges‘: Zur textuellen Einverleibung indigener Anthropophagie in Piratenerzählungen des 17. Jahrhunderts

May 06, 2024

Gesine Brede

Edition: Kannibalismus und Eucharistie - Frühneuzeitliche Figurationen des Einverleibens in den romanischen Literaturen



In preparation: Archivos en transición. Memorias colectivas y usos subalternos, co-ed. with Roland Spiller (Narr-Attempto)   


„Zur Frage unzuverlässigen Erzählens in der Frühen Neuzeit. Das Beispiel von A. O.
Exquemelins Erzählung von der karibischen Piraterie des 17. Jahrhunderts in
romanischer Übersetzung (Piratas de la luz 1681, Histoire des aventuriers flibustiers
1686)“, in: Burnautzki, Sarah/Welge, Jobst (ed.): Was ist unzuverlässiges Erzählen?
(Un)zuverlässigkeit – (Selbst)referentialität – (De)naturalisierungsstrategien, DeGruyter
2023; Band zum 37. Romanistentag 2021 in Augsburg; in preparation.

„Kannibalismus im Zeichen des ‚gerechten Krieges‘. Zur textuellen Einverleibung der
Indios Bravos in „L’Histoire des aventuriers flibustiers“ (1678/86) von Alexandre Olivier
Exquemelin“, in: Lang, Stefanie (ed.): Verkörpern und Einverleiben – literarische
Modellierungen zwischen Eucharistie und Kannibalismus in der frühneuzeitlichen Romania,
DeGruyter 2023.

„Die niñxs desaparecidxs in der argentinischen Literatur der Postdiktatur. Von der
traumatischen Leerstelle zum kulturhistorischen Anschauungsgegenstand“, in:
Burnautzki, Sarah/Kuschel, Daniela (ed.): Paralleldimensionen des Erinnerns in
Lateinamerika: Diktaturerfahrung und literarische Aufarbeitung (Hispano-Americana,
Band 77), Frankfurt a. M. u.a.: Peter Lang 2021; p. 21-38.

„Zwischen Emergenz und dem Blick aus dem Fenster: Sammlerkultur und
Kontingenzbewältigung in zwei Facebook-Serien aus dem Corona-Lockdown (2020)“, in:
Hertrampf, Marina Ortrud (ed.): Corona: Krise oder Wende? Wie Krisen Kulturen
verunsichern und verändern / Corona: crisis or change? How crises unsettle and change
cultures, PhiN. Philologie im Netz, Beiheft 24; Freie Universität Berlin, 2020.

„Zwischen Tradition und Transition. Zur Heroisierung der Großmütter der Plaza de
Mayo in der argentinischen Postdiktatur“, in: helden.heroes.héros. E-Journal zu Kulturen
des Heroischen. Sonderheft Heroische Kollektive. Zwischen Norm und Exzeptionalität,
Freiburg i. Br. 2019.

„La delimitación del vacío. Narrativas de la búsqueda de los niños desaparecidos de
Argentina como señal de una crisis cultural“, in: Schrott, Angela/Witthaus, Jan-Henrik
(ed.): Crisis e identidad. Perspectivas interdisciplinarias desde América Latina (HispanoAmericana, Band 62), Frankfurt a. M. u. a.: Peter Lang, 2017.


Didaktische Publikationen

¿Qué pasa?, Oberstufenlehrwerk, Lehrerkommentar, Kap. 7, 8. Braunschweig: Cornelsen, 2023.

Découvertes 3 [Bayern], Lehrerbuch. Ch. 3, 6. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag, 2021.

„La représentation des Antilles françaises dans les manuels de français en Allemagne. A
propos d’un enseignement du français au-delà de l’amitié franco-allemande“, in: Brüske,
Anne/Jansen, Silke/Lay Brander, Miriam (ed.): „Between mobilities and demarcations of
boundaries: Education and the politics of education in the Caribbean – Entre mobilités et
démarcations de frontières : Éducation et politiques éducatives dans les Caraïbes“, Band
zur Jahreskonferenz der Society for Caribbean Research (SoCaRe) an der FriedrichAlexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 5.-13.3.2021; in print.


Journalistische Publikationen

„Der Fluch von ‚Jamaika‘“ [zur Piratenmetaphorik der ZEIT-Cover-Illustration anlässlich
der Bundestagswahl 2017], in: der Freitag (10.10.2017)

„Einblicke in das jüdische Leben“ (zum Europäischen Tag der jüdischen Kultur in zwei
Konstanzer Gemeinden), in: Südkurier, Redaktion Konstanz (8.9.2008)

„Grenzgänger“ [zum Seminar „Grenzen in der europäischen Literatur“ im Literaturhaus
Gottlieben, Schweiz], in: unikon, Pressestelle der Universität Konstanz (09/2003)

„Stramme Plastinate“ [zum Frauenbild der Ausstellung „Körperwelten“], in: taz – die
tageszeitung (26.3.2000)