Katrin Herms | Associate Postgraduate

The State, Political Norms and Political Conflicts
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin
Email: katrin.herms  ( at )  cmb.hu-berlin.de Tel: +49(0) 30 / 20 93 70700

Home Institution : EHESS, CNRS/CMB | Position : PhD Student at EHESS/CNRS | Disciplines : Sociology |


Katrin Herms (Computational Social Science Team, CNRS/Centre Marc Bloch) pursues an interdisciplinary PhD project in sociology at EHESS in Paris, linking social network analysis of polarized Internet communities with face-to-face interviews. Under the supervision of Daniel Cefaï at Cems in Paris and Camille Roth at Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin, her main interests are discourse analysis and social dynamics emerging around political issues in France and Germany. Following her practical experiences in journalism, and holding a trinational Master’s degree in Crossborder Communication and Cooperation Studies from the Universities of Saarbrücken, Metz and Luxemburg, her mixed-methods approach also bridges media studies and communication models.

Institution of thesis
Daniel Cefaï und Camille Roth