Laure Piguet | Associated Researcher

Dynamiken und Erfahrungen der Globalisierung
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin

Home Institution : University of Fribourg | Position : Post-doctoral researcher | Disciplines : History , Sociology |


A post-doctoral researcher in contemporary history at the University of Fribourg and associated with the Marc Bloch Centre in Berlin, Laure Piguet is currently conducting research on British and French prison statistics and prisoners’ surveys in the eighteenth and nineteenth century. She is conducting her research as part of Prof. Alix Heiniger's project "Espace carcéral et circulations: une histoire transnationale et régionale des prisons suisses (1820-1980)". Her thesis, which was awarded the Alain Desrosières prize, studied the links between workers' struggles and statistics in France and Great Britain. She is also member of the DFG research network Global Cultures of Enquête, under the direction of Martin Herrnstadt (Breme) and Léa Renard (Heidelberg), and the ANR project Counting in a Colonial Situation, under the direction of Béatrice Touchelay (Lille). She is also involved in several public history projects reflecting on the gendered dimension of memorialisation in streets and public spaces and highlighting the role of women in Geneva's past.


Mapping knowledge about prisons and prisoners (18th-19th centuries)

A sociohistorian of knowledge, social movements and ideas, Laure Piguet is currently conducting research aimed at mapping the knowledge produced by different actors about prisons and prisoners between the eighteenth and eighteenth centuries, mainly in Great Britain and France. She is conducting this research at the University of Fribourg as part of Prof. Alix Heiniger's project 'Espace carcéral et circulations: une histoire transnationale et régionale des prisons suisses (1820-1980)'.