Myriam Boualami | Associate Postgraduate

Home Institution
Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne
Research associate
- Bachelor of Geography - urban planning University of Paris VIII - Vincennes-Saint Denis
- Master 1 Dynamics of Emerging and Developing Countries (DynPed) University Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Master 2 Epistemology of Geography - Spatial Analysis (Géoprisme) University Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne
Streaming platform and the national music scene: a bottom-up analysis based on individual consumption behaviour
Myriam Boualami is a research associate at the Centre Marc Bloch and the UMR Géographie-Cités within the ANR Records project, under the direction of Denis Eckert and the supervision of Camille Roth. Her research focuses on the spatial effects of the digitalisation of the music industry, with a particular attention to music streaming platforms. She uses an approach that focuses on the behaviour of audiences on these platforms. She works with digital traces of geolocated listening, and is interested in the possibilities and limits of exploiting this type of data for research in human geography.
In progress: Writing of the article "Music boundaries from the ground-up: mapping rap in France
Abstract: In this paper, I explore the musical boundaries that emerge from distinctive forms of audience consumption within a genre: rap. Using music consumption data from the music platform Deezer, I construct a map of rap consumption regions, i.e. clusters of artists similar in the way they are consumed. I then study in this map how the age and gender of listeners correlate differently to this common map, and how these demographic characteristics are related to the emergence of musical boundaries.