Nora El Qadim | Associated Researcher

Former Member
Dynamiken und Erfahrungen der Globalisierung
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin

Home Institution : Université Paris 8 | Disciplines : Political Science |


Nora El Qadim's research interrogates asymmetrical international relations. She has worked on migration policies and migration diplomacy. Her currrent research focuses on archival policies and politics.


Nora's rearch interrogates asymmetric international and transnational relations. She has worked on migration policies and migration diplomacy. Her current work focuses on the politics of archives.

Archival policies and politics

Nora's current research is on archival policies and politics. Looking at archives as a object of study rahter than a source, she examins archiving (and counter-archiving) practices, as well as their transnational circulation, their recent transformations, and the conflicts arising around archives. From a perspective of international political sociology, her research interrogates the articulation between knowledge and power in asymmetrical international contexts.


Nora El Qadim, Le gouvernement asymétrique des migrations. Maroc/Union européenne, Paris, Dalloz, « Nouvelle Bibliothèque Thèses », 2015 - 507 p.

Special issue

Monique Beerli et Nora El Qadim (dir), Special Issue: "Des mobilisations transnationales par et pour les archives", Critique Internationale, n°102, 2024.

Beste İşleyen and Nora El Qadim (dir), Special Issue : « Border and Im/mobility entanglements in the Mediterranean », Environment and Planning D : Society and Space, vol. 41, n°1, 2023.

Nora El Qadim (coord.), « Les politiques migratoires de l’UE dans la tourmente », Migrations Société, no 186, Centre d’Information et d’Etudes sur les Migrations Internationales, décembre 2021 - 148 p.


Book chapters