Dr. Sara Iglesias | Research and cooperation officer

Former Member
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin
Email: iglesias  ( at )  cmb.hu-berlin.de Tel: +49 (0) 30 / 20 93 70 731

Position : Research and cooperations officer |


After studies in Musicology, Art History and Romance philology at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg, at the University Sorbonne-Paris IV and at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris, Sara Iglesias has received her doctor’s degree in 2011 as an Allocataire de recherches of EHESS, in the framework of a Cotutelle thesis at the EHESS and the Humboldt University Berlin.

Her thesis on French musicology in times of the German occupation during World War Two has been published in 2014 (Musicologie et Occupation. Science, musique et politique dans la France des "années noires", Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme) and has been awarded the Prix des Muses, category « Histoire et musique », in the following year. She has published papers on the interwining of music, science and politics in various German and French journals and volumes, and has co-edited volumes, inter alia, on interdisciplinary approaches to music in the humanities and social sciences or on man-machine-relationships in 20th and 21st century music.

From 2007 to 2017 she was active as a proofreader and translator: as member of the editorial staff, and chief editor, of trajectoires (CIERA), a Franco-German online journal; as editor of the online publishing and information platform for History HSozKult (HU Berlin); and as a freelance translator and editor for the humanities and the social sciences. In 2016 she became the in-house Translator and editor at Centre Marc Bloch and was appointed as Scientific support officer for the directorate in 2017.

Since February 2019, she is a Research and cooperations officer at CMB, with a strong focus on research funding and European networks. In this framework, she supports the CMB directorate and researchers in planning and submitting multi-annual research projects, and in developing strategic partnerships within German, French and international academia.





Musicologie et Occupation. Science, musique et politique dans la France des « années noires », Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris, 2014, 456 p.

Prix des Muses 2015, catégorie Histoire et musique



Co-édition de recueils / Mitherausgeberschaft

Musik – Kontext – Wissenschaft. Interdisziplinäre Forschung zu Musik (mit T. Bachir-Loopuyt, A. Langenbruch, G. zur Nieden, Hg.), Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, 2012.

Le Son des rouages. Représentations musicales des rapports homme-machine au 20e siècle(mit I. Contreras Zubilllaga, Hg.), Sampzon: Delatour France, 2011.

"Frontières en question", Themenheft unter der Leitung von C. Chamayou-Kuhn, S. Iglesias, C. Quéva, A. Richter und Y. Vilain, trajectoires 2/2008.

Musique et pouvoir: de l’institution à la passion (mit M. Combes, M. Lambiet, Hg.), Paris: Portail Musique de l’EHESS, 2006.