
Closing Conference - Project Multiple Crises

12. April | 10:00

Umwelt, Klima, Energie: Gesellschaften und ihre ökologischen Herausforderungen

After three years of research, we are very much looking forward to presenting the results of our research project to you. The final conference of the research project “Multiple Crises. Covid-19 and the Entanglements of Public Health, Security and Ecology in Europe”, which is based at the Centre Marc Bloch (CMB) and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), will bring together researchers from different academic traditions in an interdisciplinary and interactive working environment. The aim is to discuss the challenges that societies, decision-makers and experts are facing in the context of multiple crises characterized by climate change, public health issues and a growing number of global conflicts. One focus of this conference will be to reflect on the roles and formats in which the social sciences can contribute to addressing these issues. We look forward to welcoming around 50 invited guests from various fields of expertise. The conference aims to explore new research questions for a future multiple crises scholarship.



  • Prof. Dr. Jay Rowell, Centre Marc Bloch (CMB)

  • Representative of the BMBF

Presentation of Project Results

  • Dr. Gabriel Bartl (CMB), Dr. Judith Hardt (CMB, IFSH)

Panel “The Role of the Social Sciences for Dealing with Multiple Crises”

  • Prof. Dr. Vincent August, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
  • Prof. Dr. Frank Baasner, Co-Direktor Deutsch-Französisches Zukunftswerk
  • Dr. habil. Frédéric Graber, CNRS/EHESS
  • Dr. Elisabeth Heyne, Museum für Naturkunde
  • Dr. Cecilia Oliveira, Research Institute for Sustainability

    Moderation: Dr. Gabriel Bartl und Dr. Judith Hardt

World Café “Open Questions Towards a Scholarship for Multiple Crises”

The Role of (Social Science) Knowledge with respect to:

  • Existential Insecurities, Vulnerabilities and Inequalities

  • Crisis Governance between Securitization and Resilience

  • Conflicts, Resistance, Protests

Free visit of the Naturkundemuseum


Gabriel Bartl
gabriel.bartl  ( at )  cmb.hu-berlin.de


Museum für Naturkunde
Invalidenstrasse 43
