Once on the move, always on the move? Mobility after migration
31. Mai | 10:30
Migration and mobility are among the most fundamental changes of societies worldwide and they are a central ingredient of globalization. Migration research has long shown that migration is not a process with just two clearly defined starting and end points. In contrast, it has been described as a process or a career. Yet, research on subsequent mobilit y in individuals’ life courses following the initial migration is still a rather young topic. The conference focuses on mobility after international migration , its causes, patterns, and effects . We want to inquire about ‘ mobility after migration’ for individuals belonging to various groups of migrants, and across generations. We are interested in the context s that shape opportunities for mobility on the micro - , meso - and macrolevel, such as local, national or European policies. The papers are based on empirical studies, using both quantitative and qualitative approaches and set in different parts of the world, as well as theoretical contributions, addressing the relation between mobility and migration.
Attendance only with registration. Please send an email to Tom Pascaud (pascaud@cmb.hu-berlin.de) until 22.05.2018.
The registration fee is 15€, including coffee and refreshments on both days.
Grafik: Nikola Sander, Guy J. Abel & Ramon Bauer am Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital - CC BY-NC 3.0
Christine Barwick
barwick ( at ) cmb.hu-berlin.de
Thursday, May 31
From 9:30: ArrivaI & registration
10:30 Conference opening
Catherine Gousseff, Director of the Centre Marc BIoch
Christine Barwick & Nadja MiIewski, DGS Section Migration and Ethnic Minorities
10:45-12:30 Session I: Mobility in the life course
Chair: Nadja Milewski (University of Rostock)
Steuen Jaksztat & NicoIai Netz (DZHW Hannover): ExpIaining scientists’ pIans for internationaI mobiIity from a Iife course perspective
Knut PetzoId (Ruhr University Bochum): InternationaI student mobiIity and individuaIs’ wiIIingness to migrate in the EU-28
Sören CarIson (Europa-University FIensburg): Intra-European mobiIity between empIacement and dispIacement. AnaIysing German mobiIe graduates’ further mobiIity trajectories
Anna X. Wieczorek (BAMF Nürnberg): Patterns of (Im)MobiIity: BiographicaI experiences after migration of young PoIes in Germany and Canada
12:30-13:30: Lunch
13:30-15:15 Session II: Return & roots migration
Chair: Elisabeth Schilling (FHöV NRW)
Jan-PhiIipp Steinmann (University of Göttingen): One-way or return? ExpIaining group-specific return intentions of recentIy arrived PoIish and Turkish immigrants in Germany
MeItem YiImaz Sener (University of Adger & IstanbuI): Considering to remigrate? Return migration of Turkish quaIified migrants from Germany and the US
IIka Steiner (University of Geneva): Immigrant’s intentions in a high-income destination country. From remigration to naturaIization
Lisa Johnson (University of Trier): On the move: Understanding the importance of “roots” and “return” in the transnationaI Iives of Jamaican women in MontreaI
15:15-15:30: Coffee break
15:30-16:30 Keynote
Chair: Mathias Bös (Leibniz University Hannover)
Jean-MicheI Lafleur (University of Liège): WeIfare poIicies as migration controI: the case of EU migrants
16:30-16:45: Coffee break
16:45-17:30 Session III: The political dimension of migration & mobility
Chair: Mathias Bös (Leibniz University Hannover)
Ester Serra Mingot & VaIentina Mazzucato (Maastricht University): Moving for a ‘better weIfare’? The case of transnationaI Sudanese famiIies
Arzu YiImaz (SWP-German Institute for InternationaI and Security Auairs BerIin): Refugee MobiIity as a PoIiticaI Act and ReterritoriaIization of Kurdistan
Friday, June 1
9:00-10:45 Session IV: Onward mobility & new destination places
Chair: Christine Barwick (Centre Marc Bloch Berlin)
Tabea Scharrer (Max PIanck Institute for SociaI AnthropoIogy HaIIe): MobiIity or permanency of migration? The case of SomaIian migrants
HeIen McCarthy (MiddIesex University): Understanding integration trajectories for mobiIe Spanish-Latin Americans
Jaafar AIIouI (KU Leuven & University of Amsterdam): ‘Leaving Europe’ as strategy for sociaI mobiIity: Mapping the ‘status migration’ of second-generation Maghrebi minorities from Western Europe to Dubai
Andreas MüIIer (BAMF Nürnberg): EU and nationaI governance of onward mobiIity
10:45-11:00: Coffee break
11:00-12:30 Session V: Mobility capital & embeddedness
Chair: Aysen Üstübici (SWP-German Institute for International and Security Auairs Berlin I Koc University Istanbul)
JoeIIe Moret (University of NeuchateI): European SomaIis’ post-migration mobiIity practices: When crossing borders becomes a resource
Zeynep Yanasmayan (Max PIanck Institute for SociaI AnthropoIogy HaIIe): Making sense of highIy educated migration from Turkey to Europe: The case for mobiIity nexuses
Darja KIingenberg (Goethe University Frankfurt): Understanding Migration through DweIIing
12:30-13:30: Lunch
13:30-15:15 Session VI: Immobility & Transit
Chair: Elsa Tulmets (Centre Marc Bloch)
EIena Fontanari (University of MiIan/ HumboIdt University BerIin): Subjectivities in transit. Every day experiences of mobiIe refugees between European borders
Leandros Fischer (University of Marburg): Stuck on an isIand: Surviving neoIiberaI abandonment in Cyprus
VioerIa Ducu, Aron TeIegdi-Csetri (Babes-BoIyai University CIuj-Napoca): Living in temporary transnationaI suspension: Romanian abroad
Robert Rydzewski (Mickiewicz University Poznan): Going Into Reverse: Reconstruction of the BaIkan Route
15:15-15:30: Coffee break
15:30-16:00 Closing of the conference
Georg-Simmel-SaalFriedrichstraße 191