Marc Bloch Forum

Sex Still Sells. Paradoxical Right Wing Sexual Politics in Europe.

19. Oktober | 18:15

International Conference at the European University Viadrina (Frankfurt/Oder, 19.10.2016) and Collegium Polonicum (Słubice, 20.10.2016). In the past years right wing parties and organisations in most European countries managed to gain political weight. This conference examines their discourses, mobilisations and actors and inquires in which ways the sexual politics of the right have contributed to their success. Those politics appear paradoxical, because right wing actors organize campaigns against what they call “gender theory” that they denounce for destroying “family values”. They stand up against gay marriage and the equality of non heterosexual people, yet at the same time, they are also presenting liberal sexual and gender politics as a European or Western value in their anti­immigration discourses. The conference also presents and examines counter­discourses and critical theoretical approaches in order to determine useful analytical frameworks for dismantling right wing politics. European­wide research results, but also single country studies and analysis will be presented from EU­member states like France, Poland, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Hungary and Czech Republic. 


Cornelia Möser
Cornelia.Moser  ( at )


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Universität Viadrina Frankfurt/ Oder GDHs2
Europa Platz
Gräfin Dönhoff Gebäude / GDHs2

Frankfurt/ Oder