Dr. Antonin Pottier | Assoziierter Forscher

Umwelt, Klima, Energie: Gesellschaften und ihre ökologischen Herausforderungen
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin
E-Mail: antonin.pottier  ( at )  cmb.hu-berlin.de Tel: +49(0) 30 / 20 93 70700

Mutterinstitut : EHESS | Position : Dozent | Fachbereich : Wirtschaftswissenschaften |


Ich bin Dozent an der École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Forscher an CIRED, Paris, und Mitglied des Forschungsverbunds Energie und Wohlstand.


Work in progress and working papers

Pottier, Antonin and Gaëlle Le Treut (2021) — Quantifying GHG emissions enabled by work: economic, spatial, and gender inequalities in France, submitted to Journal of Industrial Ecology.

Pottier, Antonin, Emmanuel Combet, and Simona de Lauretis (2021) — Gender and climate change: do men emit more GHG than women?, submitted to Ecological Economics.

Pottier, Antonin, Emmanuel Combet, Jean-Michel Cayla, Simona de Lauretis, and Franck Nadaud (2021) — Who emits CO2 ? landscape of ecological inequalities in France from a critical perspective, revised English translation of Pottier2020d. [ .pdf ]

Pottier, Antonin (2021a) — Expenditure-elasticity and income-elasticity of GHG emissions: a survey of literature on household carbon footprint, submitted to Ecological Economics. [ .pdf ]

Méjean, Aurélie, Antonin Pottier, Stéphane Zuber, and Marc Fleurbaey (2020) — When opposites attract: averting a climate catastrophe despite differing ethical views.

Hourcade, Jean-Charles, Shukla Pryadarshi, Emilio La Rovere, Subash Dhar, Etienne Espagne, Dominique Finon, et al. (2017) — How to use SVMAs to reduce the Carbon Pricing and Climate Finance Gap: numerical illustrations. [ full text ]

Pottier, Antonin (2015) — Time-Stochastic Dominance and iso-elastic discounted utility functions. [ http ]

Dumas, Patrice, Étienne Espagne, Baptiste Perrissin-Fabert, and Antonin Pottier (2012) — Comprehensive Description of the Integrated Assessment Model RESPONSE, CIRED Working Paper. [ .pdf ]

Beiträge in Zeitschriften

Pottier, Antonin, Marc Fleurbaey, Aurélie Méjean, and Stéphane Zuber (2021, May) — Climate change and population: an integrated assessment of mortality due to health impacts, Ecological Economics 183, pp. 106967. [ http ]

Taconet, Nicolas, Céline Guivarch, and Antonin Pottier (2021) — Social Cost of Carbon under risk: when does risk play a role?, Environmental and Resource Economics 78, pp. 709–737. [ http ]

Méjean, Aurélie, Antonin Pottier, Stéphane Zuber, and Marc Fleurbaey (2020a) — Intergenerational equity under catastrophic climate change, Climatic Change 163(2), pp. 873–890. [ full text | http ]

Pottier, Antonin and Adrien Nguyen-Huu (2020) — Hicksian Traverse Revisited: Conditions for the Energy Transition, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 54, pp. 102–111. [ full text | http ]

Pottier, Antonin and Adrien Nguyen-Huu (2020) — No-regret Pollution Abatement Options: A Correction of Bréchet and Jouvet (2009), Ecological Economics 175, pp. 10686. [ full text | http ]

Assous, Mickaël and Antonin Pottier (2018) — Marx and Kalecki on aggregate instability and class struggle, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 25, pp. 1094–1112. [ http ]

Hourcade, Jean-Charles, Antonin Pottier, and Etienne Espagne (2018) — The social value of mitigation activities and forms of carbon pricing, International Economics 155, pp. 8–18. [ http ]

Espagne, Etienne, Antonin Pottier, Baptiste Perrissin Fabert, Franck Nadaud, and Patrice Dumas (2018) — SCCs and the use of IAMs: Let's separate the wheat from the chaff, International Economics 155, pp. 29–47. [ http ]

Guivarch, Céline and Antonin Pottier (2018) — Climate damages on production or on growth: what impact on the social cost of carbon, Environmental Modeling and Assessment 23(2), pp. 117–130. [ full text | http ]

Pottier, Antonin and Adrien Nguyen-Huu (2017, October) — Debt and investment in the Keen model: a reappraisal of modelling Minsky, Review of Keynesian Economics 5(4), pp. 631–647. [ full text | http ]

Assous, Michaël, Amitava Dutt, Paul Fourchard, and Antonin Pottier (2017, March) — (In)-stability in Kalecki's early macroeconomics, Journal of the History of Economic Thought  39(1), pp. 69–87. [ http ]

Pottier, Antonin, Aurélie Méjean, Olivier Godard, and Jean-Charles Hourcade (2017) — A survey of global climate justice: From negotiation stances to moral stakes and back, International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 11(1), pp. 1–53. [ full text | http ]

Guivarch, Céline, Aurélie Méjean, Antonin Pottier, and Marc Fleurbaey (2016) — Social cost of carbon: Global duty, Science 351(6278), pp. 1160–1161. [ full text | http ]

Giraud, Gaël and Antonin Pottier (2016) — Debt-deflation versus liquidity trap: the dilemma of nonconventional monetary policy, Economic Theory 62(1), pp. 383–408. [ full text | http ]

Pottier, Antonin, Etienne Espagne, Baptiste Perrissin-Fabert, and Patrice Dumas (2015) — The comparative impact of Integrated Assessment Models' structures on optimal mitigation policies, Environmental Modeling and Assessment 20(5), pp. 453–473. [ http ]

Perrissin Fabert, Baptiste, Antonin Pottier, Etienne Espagne, Patrice Dumas, and Franck Nadaud (2014) — Why are climate policies of the present decade so crucial for keeping the 2 C target credible?, Climatic Change 126(3-4), pp. 337–349. [ http ]

Pottier, Antonin and Rabia Nessah (2014) — Berge–Vaisman And Nash Equilibria: Transformation Of Games, International Game Theory Review 16(4), pp. 1450009. [ full text | http ]

Pottier, Antonin, Jean-Charles Hourcade, and Etienne Espagne (2014) — Modelling the redirection of technical change: The pitfalls of incorporeal visions of the economy, Energy Economics 42, pp. 213–218. [ http ]

Musy, Olivier, Antonin Pottier, and Tarik Tazdait (2012) — A new theorem to find Berge equilibria, International Game Theory Review 14(1), pp. 1250005. [ http ]

Beiträge auf französisch

Pottier, Antonin (2021) — La carte carbone peut-elle être simple, efficace et juste?, Action publique. Recherche et pratiques 11. [ http ]

Pottier, Antonin, Emmanuel Combet, Jean-Michel Cayla, Simona de Lauretis, and Franck Nadaud (2020) — Qui émet du CO2 ? panorama critique des inégalités écologiques en France, Revue de l'OFCE 169, pp. 73–132. [ .pdf ]

Pottier, Antonin (2020a) — Économie et climat: un examen de conscience nécessaire, Regards croisés sur l'économie 26, pp. 179–188. [ http ]

Chiapello, Ève, Antoine Missemer, and Antonin Pottier (Eds.) (2020) — Faire l'économie de l'environnement, Paris: Presses de l'École des Mines de Paris. [ http ]

Pottier, Antonin (2020) — L'équivalence entre gaz, de Montréal à Kyoto, in E. Chiapello, A. Missemer, and A. Pottier (Eds.), Faire l'économie de l'environnement, pp. 121–139. Paris: Presses de l'École des Mines de Paris.

Pottier, Antonin (2018, March) — Les nouveaux indicateurs de richesse modifieront-ils la croissance? les limites de la critique du PIB, Le Débat 199, pp. 147–156. [ http ]

Aglietta, Michel, Liesbeth De Fossé, Étienne Espagne, and Antonin Pottier (2018) — Monnaie carbone et finance pour le climat, in M. Aglietta (Ed.), Transformer le régime de croissance, pp. 297–352. Paris: Institut CDC. [ .pdf ]

Pottier, Antonin (2018) — Comment partager l'atmosphère: une introduction à la justice climatique, Revue juridique de l'environnement Numéro spécial: le bon usage de la Terre, pp. 143–158. [ http ]

Baron, Richard, Jean-Yves Caneill, Romain Poivet, Antonin Pottier, and Amy Dahan (2017) — Les entreprises face au changement climatique. Débat., Entreprises et histoire 86, pp. 140–150. [ http ]

Pottier, Antonin (2016, July) — Comment l'environnement transforme la discipline économique?, Responsabilité & Environnement, les Annales des Mines 83, pp. 45–49. [ http ]

Pottier, Antonin (2016) — Comment les économistes réchauffent la planète, Paris: Seuil. [ http ]

Pottier, Antonin (2016) — Quelle demande pour les politiques climatiques?, Revue Projet 350, pp. 59–66. [ http ]

Pottier, Antonin (2015) — La nature dans l'analyse économique – perspective historique, in L. Monnoyer-Smith (Ed.), Nature et richesses des nations. Paris: Revue du CGDD. [ .pdf ]

Pottier, Antonin (2014, June) — Comment la poursuite de l'abondance annihile la culture: essai d'interprétation des Perspectives économiques pour nos petits-enfants de J.M. Keynes, Cahiers d'Économie Politique 66, pp. 7–33. [ http ]

Pottier, Antonin and Gaël Giraud (2013) — Krachs financiers ou trappe à liquidité, Revue économique 64(3), pp. 561–571. [ http ]

Pottier, Antonin (2013) — Le discours climato-sceptique: une rhétorique réactionnaire, Natures Sciences Sociétés 21(1), pp. 105–108. [ full text | .pdf ]

Pottier, Antonin (2011, December) — Le climato-scepticisme, réflexions sur la confusion des genres, Futuribles 380, pp. 27–40. [ full text | http ]