Camilla Brenni | Doktorandin Stipendiatin
Ehemaliges Mitglied
Panthéon-Sorbonne Université
Camilla Brenni is a doctoral student at Pantheon-Sorbone University currently writing her thesis on Hegel's critique of empiricism and its influence on later thinkers of the early Frankfurt school. These past years she has taught philosophy at Univesité de Strasbourg and then at Université de Poitiers. Having completed her B.A in History at University College London and her M.A in Philosophy at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris, she received multiple fundings from the DAAD to study German in Leipzig before passing the philosophy agrégation in France in 2016.
Her main research interests are German philosophy (German Idealism, Marxism and the Frankfurt school), theory of knowledge and epistemology of the social sciences, history of sociology and feminist theory.