Dr. Nayera Soliman | Assoziierte Forscherin
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin
Nayera.ar ( at ) gmail.com
Nayera Abdelrahman Soliman is currently a research associate at Center Marc Bloch Berlin. Her PhD dissertation is questioning the concept of home through studying the 1967 forced migration from the city of Suez in Egypt. Her research interests and publications concern memory studies, social history, forced migration and education in Egypt.
Journal Articles
- 2023. Nassar, A., Madbouly, M., Ezzat, A., Abazeed, A., Abdelrahman Soliman, N., Agha, M., El Khachab, C., Elwakil, A., Mourad, L., & Taha, M. Objects, memories, and storytelling: Experiments in narrating ideas of home. City, 0(0), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1080/13604813.2023.2254166
- 2021. “The Three Decisions of Umm Bîjû: Walking in Suez and Seeing the Ghosts of 1967 War”, Égypte/Monde arabe, Troisième série, 23 | 2021.
- 2021. “Remembering the 1977 Bread Riots in Suez: Fragments and Ghosts of Resistance,” International Review of Social History 66, no. S29.
Book Chapters
- Forthcoming. “Mapping Ghorba. Trajectories of an Egyptian family in diaspora” in At the Threshold of Revolt: Investigating Dignity in the Southern Mediterranean, ed. Leyla Dakhli,
- 2024. “Al-aawda w al-ghorba. Harb October be oyoun mohagarry al-Sowiss” in Khamssoun aaman aala nasr October, ed. Khaled Fahmy, El-Maraya.
- 2020. “Mobilized Along the Margins: Survival Strategies of Tuktuk Drivers in Egypt” in Socioeconomic Protests in MENA and Latin America: Egypt and Tunisia in Interregional Comparison, ed. Irene Weipert-Fenner and Jonas Wolff, Middle East Today. Springer International Publishing.
- 2018. co-authored with Mohamed Yehia. “Egyptian History Without ‘Gatekeepers’ : Non-Formal History Learning in Post-2011 Egypt,” in The Struggle for Citizenship Education in Egypt, Routledge.
- 2017. Reform, Resist, Recreate: The Role of Civil Society in Education in Egypt, in Sarah Anne Rennick, Civil Society and Public Policy Formation. Strategies from Morocco and Egypt, Arab Reform Initiative, in https://www.arab-reform.net/publication/civil-society-and-public-policy-formation-strategies-from-morocco-and-egypt/.
- 2016. Development of school curricula, Policy paper as part of joint project between Arab Forum for Alternatives and Swedish Institute in Alexandria, “Public Services in Egypt: Education”, in https://goo.gl/HaANQ7.