Panel discussion

Carlo Ginzburg: Les mots de l'historien

June 22 | 18:00

Dynamiken und Erfahrungen der Globalisierung

Kooperation mit dem Forschungsschwerpunkt "Kritisches Denken im Plural. Begriffliche Wege der Sozialforschung" / Coopération avec le pôle "Pensées critiques au pluriel. Approches conceptuelles de la recherche en sciences sociales"

Roundtable discussion "The Words of the Historian" with Carlo Ginzburg, Andreas Mayer (CMB) and Denis Thouard (CMB)

In our increasingly globalized world, a comparative approach to history seems inevitable. If historians start from concrete cases from different cultures or traditions, they are constantly confronted with the problem of translation and serialization. What can the reflection of the historian who tries to make the women and men of this "foreign country" that is the past speak contribute to the approach that seeks to understand the other?

Carlo Ginzburg is Professor Emeritus of History at UCLA and the Scuola Normale di Pisa. He is the author of some twenty books, including The Night Battles (1966), The Cheese and the Worms (1976) and Clues (1979), which have been translated into many languages. His latest publications are Old Thiess, a Livonian Werewolf: A Classic Case in Comparative Perspective (with Bruce Lincoln, Chicago UP 2020), Nevertheless: Machiavelli, Pascal (London: Verso, 2022) and La lettera uccide (Adelphi, 2021). In French, an issue of the journal Incidence is dedicated to him: "Nos mots et les leurs. Autour d'un texte de Carlo Ginzburg" (Number 16, Paris, Editions Kimé, 2022).

The round table takes places in English and French and in the Salle Germaine Tillion and will be followed by a reception.

Registration is compulsary (please indicate if you attend in person or online) :


Andreas Mayer
Andreas.mayer  ( at )


Hybrid : Germaine-Tillion Saal & Online
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