
Journée d’étude: State and Statehood. European and Comparative Perspectives on the 19th and 20th Centuries

June 10 | 14:00

Journée d’étude:
State and Statehood. European and Comparative Perspectives on the 19th and 20th Centuries

Organisation: Prof. Dr. Silke Mende (WWU Münster/Centre Marc Bloch) and Prof. Dr. Jakob Vogel (Centre Marc Bloch)

Corona pandemic and Putin’s war in Ukraine –the fundamental developments and events of the past two years have madeclearly visible: the state is back! Yet, in the decades before, it seemed to have been gradually abandoned by historical research: Empirically, as far as contemporary history, in the face of “neoliberalism” and globalization, has underlined its fading formative power since the 1970s, especially in its specific manifestation of nation-state and nation-statehood. Historiographically, in that cultural and social history almost simultaneously relegated classical political history more and more to the side-lines and with it initially also ‘the state’ as an actor.

But in the shadow of these developments, more recent approaches and work have focused on the transformation of state and statehood. We would like to discuss this “state of the art” at our Journée d’Études at the Centre Marc Bloch. Starting from the Franco-German example, which is consequently compared and connected to European and international developments, we ask about the change of state and statehood from the end of the 18th century to the present.

Speakers and Discussants:

  • Nicolas Barreyre (EHESS)
  • Mathieu Fulla (Sciences Po, Paris)
  • Frédéric Graber (CMB)
  • Jürgen Kocka (FU Berlin)
  • Marc Lazar (Sciences Po, Paris)
  • Ariane Leendertz (BAdW, München)
  • Silke Mende (WWU Münster)
  • Gabriele Metzler (HU Berlin)
  • Lothar Schilling (Univ. Augsburg)
  • Jakob Vogel (CMB/Sciences Po Paris)

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14-14h15: Welcome

Panel 1: The State in the Making (1750-1850)? (Chair: Frédéric Graber)

Nicolas Barreyre: The unexceptional state: France and United States
Comment: Lothar Schilling

Panel 2: The State in its “Golden Age” (19/20th century)? (Chair: Jakob Vogel )

Jürgen Kocka: State and Capitalism
Comment: Gabriele Metzler

16h30-17h00: Coffee break

Panel 3: The Coming of Post-Statehood? (Chair: Silke Mende)

Marc Lazar and Mathieu Fulla: European Socialists and the Transformations of the Modern State
Comment: Ariane Leendertz

18h00-18h30: Final Discussion

19h00: Cocktail/Dinner


Salle Germaine Tillion
Centre Marc Bloch
Friedrichstrasse 191
10117 Berlin