Aliénor Ballangé | Associated Researcher

Former Member
The State, Political Norms and Political Conflicts
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin

Home Institution : Goethe Universität, ConTrust, Frankfurt-Am-Main | Position : Post-doctoral Fellow | Disciplines : Philosophy , Political Science |


Aliénor Ballangé is postdoctoral researcher at Goethe University Frankfurt and member of the project “ConTrust: Trust in Conflict”. She obtained her PhD in Political Theory from Sciences Po Paris (2018) with a doctoral thesis on the democratic theory of European integration. Her research was granted two thesis prizes (Prix de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris and Prix de l’Association française des études européennes) and was published by Éditions de la Sorbonne in 2022 under the title La Démocratie communautaire. Généalogie critique de l’Union européenne.

Before joining the project ConTrust, Aliénor Ballangé was research fellow at Sciences Po Bordeaux (2018-2020), postdoctoral fellow at the Justitia Center for Advanced Studies in Frankfurt (2020-2021), and more recently research associate at Normative Orders in Frankfurt (2022).

Her research consists in articulating European studies, democratic theory and critical theory to renew studies on the crisis of representative democracy in the EU. She currently investigates the ambivalent relationship between trust and legitimation in the context of a representative democracy under pressure. Besides, she uses ethnographic research on transnational citizens’ assemblies to evaluate how citizens’ attitudes and perceptions as regard trust and democracy may change with their growing implication into the decision-making process. Her work has been published in international outlets such as Res Publica, Politique européenne, Raisons Politiques, French Politics, and others.

Institution of thesis
Sciences Po Paris
Frédéric Gros & Etienne Tassin

Building Trust through Inclusive Conflict: Agonistic Pluralism as a Response to Europe’s Risk of Disintegration?


Ballangé, Aliénor 2023: “Inclusiveness and Deliberative Quality of the European Citizens’ Panels of the Conference on the Future of Europe”. EUI-STG Working Paper (forthcoming).
Ballangé, Aliénor 2022: La Démocratie communautaire. Généalogie critique de l’Union européenne [The European Democracy. A Critical Genealogy of the EU]. Paris: Editions de la Sorbonne.
Ballangé, Aliénor 2022: “Why Europe Does Not Need a Constitution? On the Limits of Constituent Power as a Tool for Democratization”. Res Publica 28(4): 655-672.
Ballangé, Aliénor 2021: Bonne gouvernance ou post-démocratie? La rationalité eunomique de l’intégration européenne [Good governance or post-democracy? The eunomic rationality of European integration]. Politique Européenne 72(2): 68-92.