Dr. Christine Ludl | Associated Researcher

Home Institution
Technische Universität Dresden
Researcher (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin)
Social Sciences
Contemporary History
Christine Ludl earned a PhD from Freie Universität Berlin and Sciences Po Paris (co-tutelle). Her PhD thesis dealt with representations of mobility and related notions of personal ambition and social prestige of migrants from the Senegal River region traveling between France and their countries of origin. Working on migration, mobility and urban transformation in South Africa, she held postdoctoral positions with the African Centre for Migration and Society at the University of the Witwatersrand and the French Institute of South Africa in Johannesburg and with the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies at the University of Bayreuth, Germany. Building on her work on the concept of (social) representations in her PhD and her interest in the history of methodology and production of knowledge in the social sciences, she is currently working on the history of psychology at Technische Hochschule Dresden from the early 1920s to the late 1960s.
- History of (Social) Psycholgoy / History and epistemology of the concept of (social) representation(s).
- Methodology and epistemology of the social and cultural sciences.
- Migration and urban transformation (South Africa).
- West-African migrations (Senegal, Mali, Mauritania) to France, South Africa, and the U.S.
Title of thesis
Representation(s) of mobility, personal achievement and social prestige. Migrants from the Senegal River Valley traveling between their countries of origin and France.Summary of thesis
Representation(s) of mobility, personal ambition and social prestige. Migrants from the Senegal River Valley travelling between their countries of origin and France.
Christine Ludl’s Ph.D. thesis explores the representation(s) and imaginations of migrants from the Senegal River Valley traveling between their countries of origin and France. The project pursues a twofold objective: Firstly, to account for transformations of representation(s) of power, legitimacy, and success, as well as for a diversification of ways to accede to social prestige, as they have been observed in various African countries. Secondly, to further develop a theoretical and methodological framework for the analysis of representation(s) and the imagination and to provide a detailed understanding of the relations between culture, politics and representation(s). The study draws on an interdisciplinary theoretical framework building on anthropology, social psychology and (the) philosophy (of culture), leading to a methodological framework that combines non directive interview with the analysis of cultural performances. The thesis reveals new forms of conceiving the relations between mobility and social prestige, especially in relation to time, but also the ambiguities and contradictions stemming from of social and power relations during migration and the ways in which the migrants deal with these ambiguities.
Institution of thesis
The history of psychology at Technical College Dresden (1920-1970)
The history of psychology at Technische Hochschule Dresden (1920-1970)
Articles in peer-reviewed journals:
- (2015) „Objet et processus de recherche : Méthodologie et épistémologie du concept de représentation(s)”, Méthod(e)s: African Review of Social Sciences Methodology 1(1&2), p. 91-110, http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/rMWrNkGCd7JQ6egx6vCr/full.
- (2010) "Repli sur soi et ouverture vers l’autre dans l'Afrique du Sud contemporaine. Représentation(s) de la mobilité et insertion des migrants sénégalais et maliens à Johannesburg", Transcontinentales (8/9). http://transcontinentales.revues.org/790.
- (2008) "'To skip a step’: New Representation(s) of Migration, Success and Politics in Senegalese Rap and Theatre", Stichproben. Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien (14), p. 97-122. https://stichproben.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/p_stichproben/Artikel/Nummer14/Nr14_Ludl.pdf.
Chapters in edited volumes:
- (2014) “Ambivalent Cosmopolitans? Representation(s) of Senegalese and Malian Migrants in Johannesburg”, in Mamadou Diouf, Rosalind Fredericks (eds.): The Arts of Citizenship in African Cities. Infrastructures and Spaces of Belonging, New York: Palgrave MacMillan, p. 231-252 (peer reviewed).
- (with Gonin, Patrick) (2007) "Générations de la migration. Introduction", in Emmanuel Ma Mung, Cédric Audebert (eds.) Les migrations internationales: enjeux contemporains et questions nouvelles, Bilbao: Publications de l'Université de Deusto, p. 177-181 (editor reviewed).
Review articles:
- (2014) Dominique Vidal: Migrants du Mozambique dans le Johannesburg de l’après-apartheid. Travail, frontières, altérité, Paris, Johannesburg, Karthala-IFAS, 2014, in: Politique africaine (135), p. 230-232.