Dr. Cynthia Gabbay | Associated Researcher
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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
DFG Researcher, Institut für Kulturwissenschaft, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Romanic and Latin-American Studies; Jewish Studies: Semiotics, Translation Studies, Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies and Gender Studies.
Cynthia Gabbay completed her PhD at the Department of Romance and Latin American Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2012. She subsequently carried out postdoctoral research at the Harry S. Truman Institute (2011-2013) at the Hebrew University, the University of Haifa (2013-2015), and Ben Gurion University of the Negev (2015-2018). Between 2015 and 2018, she also worked as a Senior Research Associate of the ERC project "Apartheid-Stops" directed by Prof. Louise Bethlehem, in the fields of Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies at the Hebrew University. In this context she studied the poetry of the Cuban Nancy Morejón. Dr. Gabbay arrived in Germany in 2018 as an Alexander von Humboldt Experienced Researcher at the Department of Romance Languages at the Freie Universität Berlin where she worked on feminist Hispanic Jewish memoirs of the Spanish Civil war.
At present she is a Le Studium - Institute for Advanced Studies Loire Valley research fellow working at the laboratory REMELICE at the University of Orleans, France. She is also co-editor of the scientific journal Lingua Franca (SHARP), member of the Board of Directors of the Latin American Jewish Studies Association, and coordinator of Simania: Salon Readings (LAJSA).
Her first book, Los ríos metafísicos de Julio Cortázar: De la lírica al diálogo, was published in 2015. The dissertation on which this book was based, Julio Cortázar's Lyricism: Intertextuality and the Literary “Other” was awarded the “Raul Kirtchuk Award for Research Academic Excellence in Latin American Studies”. In this project, she analyzes the intertextuality arising from Cortázar’s poetry, which had till then gone uninvestigated. The research addresses the dialogue between Cortázar’s literature and a large number of writers and poets from different eras, especially, French and Latin American modern poetry and existentialism.
Her last project, developed with the support of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, was titled “Jewish Women Writing Utopia following the Spanish Civil War”. This project interrogated the place of female intellectuals since the Spanish Civil war and the internationalist movement of anti-fascist Jewish writers. She used Micaela Feldman Etchebéhère’s writings as a case study to address the link between gender and writing practices in Hispanic and French intellectual fields. There, she reclaimed topics related to literature and war, politics, gender, Jewish thought, and cosmopolitanism through semiotic and philological examinations, when focusing on bilingual writing, minor literatures and self-translation.
Products of this project are several articles published in different languages and two books in progress:
1. Cynthia Gabbay (Ed.) Jewish Imaginaries of the Spanish Civil War: In Search of Poetic Justice (N.Y: Bloomsbury, in press, expected in October 2022) and
2. Feminismo mosaico, conversión cultural y una poética del silencio (an intellectual biography of Micaela Feldman Etechebehere), HDR.
Other works have been devoted to the study of Latin American poetry (20th and 21st centuries), Street Art in Argentina, Popular Culture, Jewish literatures in Romance Languages, Translation, Meta-Fiction, and Converso Literature in Latin America (17th century).
A third monograph in progress is titled: Street Art in Buenos Aires: Symbols of a Revolution. She is also co-editing with Tom Penfold the volume Dust, Scratch and Paint: Street Art in the Global South.
Spanish and French (mother tongues);
Hebrew (excellent level);
English (very high level);
Portuguese, Italian, Catalan, Djudezmo, Yiddish, and German (reading level).
Buenos Aires, Argentina (1978-1996); Santiago, Chile (1997); Paris, France (1997); Jerusalem, Israel (1998-2001); Madrid, Spain (2001-2006); Jerusalem (2006-2018); Berlin, Germany (2018-2021); Orléans, France (2021-2022).
Title of thesis
“Julio Cortázar’s Lyricism: Intertextuality and the Literary ‘Other’” (2012)Institution of thesis
1. Jewish Imaginaries of the Spanish Civil War: In Search of Poetic Justice and 2. Exponential Minor Literatures: Neo-Djudezmo poetry and Jewish Translation towards an Epist
Jewish Imaginaries of the Spanish Civil War: In Search of Poetic Justice.
October 06, 2022Cynthia Gabbay
Comparative Jewish Literatures
Edition: Bloomsbury Publishing
Collection: Comparative Jewish Literatures
ISBN: 9781501379420
Jewish Imaginaries of the Spanish Civil War inaugurates a new field of research in literary and Jewish studies at the intersection of Jewish history and the internationalist cultural phenomenon emerging from the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), the Republican exile, and the Shoah. With the Spanish Civil War as a point of departure, this volume proposes a definition of Jewish textualities based on the entanglement of multiple poetic modes. Through the examination of a variety of narrative fiction and non-fiction, memoir, poetry, epistles, journalism, and music in Yiddish, Spanish, French, German, and English, these essays unveil non-canonic authors across the West and explore these works in the context of antisemitism, orientalism, and philo-Sephardism, among other cultural phenomena.
Jewish writings from the war have much to tell about the encounter between old traditions and new experimentations, framed by urgency, migration, and messianic hope. They offer perspectives on memorial and post-memorial literatures triggered by transhistorical imagination, and many were written against the grain of canonic literature, where subtle forms of dissidence, manifested through language, structure, sound, and thought, sought to tune with the anti-fascist fight. This book revindicates the polyglossia of Jewish cultures and literatures in the context of genocide and epistemicide and proposes to remember the cultural phenomena produced by the Spanish Civil War, demanding a new understanding of the cosmopolitan imaginaries in Jewish literature.
La lírica de Julio Cortázar: Intertextualidad y Otredad literaria, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Tutors: Prof. Ruth Fine (Hebrew University) and Prof. Niall Binns (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), 2012, 371 pp.
Gabbay, C. Los ríos metafísicos de Julio Cortázar: de la lírica al diálogo. Rockville, MD (USA)/ Villa María (Argentina), Hispamérica/Eduvim, 2015, 338 pp., ISBN 9789876991728.
Gabbay, Cynthia (Ed.). Jewish Imaginaries of the Spanish Civil War: In Search of Poetic Justice, New York: Bloomsbury, 2022, ISBN 9781501379420.
1. Buenos Aires’ Street Art: Symbols of a Revolution. Public Space Intervention Following Social Disruption. Text and images.
2. Feminismo mosaico, conversión cultural y una poética entre silencios. Biografía intelectual de Micaela Feldman y Etchebehere. Text and archival materials. HDR.
3. Dust, Scratch and Paint: Street Art in the Global South, co-edition with Tom Penfold.
4. Imaginarios lingüísticos de la experiencia judía entre Europa y América latina, co-edition with Valentina Litvan and Brigitte Natanson.
Cynthia Gabbay, Susan Pickford, and Mariana Silveira (Eds.). 1922 in Soviet Ukrainian Book Studies/Soviet Russian Book Studies from the 1920S, Issue 8 (2022) of Lingua Franca (SHARP). Guest editor: Anne O. Fisher. ISSN 2475-1367, https://www.sharpweb.org/linguafranca/issue-8-2022/
Cynthia Gabbay, Martyn Lyons, Susan Pickford, and Mariana Silveira (Eds.). Across the Ibero-Atlantic: Written Culture and the Circulation of Ideas in the Portuguese and Spanish Worlds, Issue 7 (2021) of Lingua Franca (SHARP). Guest editors: Giselle Martins Venancio & Nuno Medeiros. ISSN 2475-1367, https://www.sharpweb.org/linguafranca/issue-7-2021/
- “Translation after the Shoah: Towards an Epistemic Recovery of the Jewish Poetic Archive”, LE STUDIUM Multidisciplinary Journal nº 6, 2022, 34-38, https://doi.org/10.34846/le-studium.243.05.fr.11-2022
“‘Las vidas de Leilit’ en traducción del hebreo al castellano: la traducción como relectura cultural de una figura mítica hebraica”, in Lyslei Nascimento and Susana Skura (eds.), DossierBestiários: os animais, os monstros e os seres imaginários no arquivo judaico, inArquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital de Estudos Judaicos (UFMG), vol.16, nº 31, November 2022, 3-8, ISSN: 1982-3053, https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/maaravi/article/view/41222 Re-publication of the translation only, on June 2023: https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/maaravi/article/view/41185/37851
“La Fundación Cultural de un Nuevo Espacio Epistemológico: Los Escritos Enciclopédicos del Converso Ibero-Peruano Antonio León Pinelo (1590-1660)”, Revista Iberoamericana (Pittsburgh) vol. LXXXVIII, nº278, 2022, 145-163.
- “Iterología de Micaela Feldman/Etchebehere tras la guerra civil española: entre el insilio melancólico y el exilio de imaginación cosmopolita”, in Claudia Nickel and Diego Santos Sánchez (Eds.), Women in Exile: Female Literary Networks of the 1939 Republican Exile, Special Volume in Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 23(1), March 2022, in press, https://doi.org/10.1080/14636204.2022.2033430.
- “Neodjudezmo en la lírica latinoamericana disidente: la construcción de registros intersticiales entre la autotraducción y el glosario”, Mutatis Mutandis 15 (1)’s special issue,Self-translation and/in Latin America and the Latina diaspora, editors María Laura Spoturno and Rainier Grutman, January 2022, 65-94, Doi: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.mut.v15n1a05.
- “El álbum cortazariano: la labor architextual”, Hispamérica nº 150, January 2022, 27-34.
- “(Jewish) Women’s Narratives of Caring and Medical Practices during the Spanish Civil War”, in Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women’s Studies and Gender Issues, SpecialIssue 36: Jewish women medical practitioners in Europe before, during and after the Holocaust, Indiana University Press, Spring 2020, 205-233, https://muse.jhu.edu/article/760408
- “Una Voz Atravesada: El viaje poético de Nancy Morejón al Apartheid Sudafricano”, Exlibris, nº 8, FFyL, Universidad de Buenos Aires, December 2019, 253-273.
- “Travelogue of the Israeli Protest: A Dialogue with Contemporary Street Poetry”, Arab Media & Society, Issue 23, Winter/Spring 2017, pp. 1-22, https://www.arabmediasociety.com/travelogue-of-the-israeli-protest-a-dialogue-with-contemporary-street-poetry/[OA]
- Latin American Intelligentsia and the Cuban Revolution” (Hebrew), HaMerhav HaTziburi, nº 12, Tel Aviv University, Summer 2017, 89-116, https://social-sciences.tau.ac.il/public-sphere/2016.
- . “Identidad, género y prácticas anarquistas en las memorias de Micaela Feldman y Etchebéhère”, Forma. Revista d'estudis comparatius. Art, literatura, pensament,nº 14,Barcelona, December 2016, pp. 35-57. http://www.raco.cat/index.php/Forma/article/view/326720/417234[OA] *
- “Worlds of Libraries: Metafictional Works by Arlt, Borges, Bermani and De Santis”, in Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, June 2016 (43.2), 241-262, DOI: 10.1353/crc.2016.0019.
- “Intertextualidad de artificio y dialogismo imaginado: los alter-ego autoriales en la obra de Julio Cortázar”, in Actas del IV Congreso Internacional “Cuestiones Críticas”. Rosario: Centro de Estudios de Literatura Argentina, 2015, 10 pp., https://www.cetycli.org/trabajos/gabbaycc2015.pdf [OA]
- “Introducción al paratexto cortazariano: de la obra genérica al álbum”, Hispamérica. Revista de Literatura, año XLIV, núm. 129, 2014, pp. 13-22.
- “El poema dramático cortazariano Los Reyes: el hipertexto lírico como superación del mito trágico”, Anales de literatura hispanoamericana, Vol. 43, Madrid, Universidad Complutense, 2014, pp. 271-281, https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ALHI/article/download/47124/44182/.
- “El fenómeno post grafiti en Buenos Aires 2001 a 2012. El arte callejero como herramienta de catarsis y disrupción social”, Aisthesis, Vol. 54, Diciembre, Santiago, Instituto de Estética, Facultad de Filosofía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2013, 123-146, http://revistaaisthesis.uc.cl/index.php/RAIT/article/view/2856.
- “La poesía de Julio Cortázar: primera fundación intertextual”, in IBEROAMERICAglobal, Vol. 1, n° 2, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2008, pp. 94-102.
- “La barca de los gurúes o un primer esbozo de la teoría del espiral”, Observaciones filosóficas n° 6, Universidad de Valparaíso, 2008 [OA].
- “Cólera Buey o la palabra-torrente”, Anales de literaturahispanoamericana, Vol. 34, Madrid, Universidad Complutense, 2005, 197-216.
- “Genética de Mi guerra de España: una matriz multilingüe para revolucionar la trinchera”, Ed. Javier Sánchez Zapatero, La mirada extranjera: la guerra civil española en la literatura universal, Granada: Comares, 2023, 139-158, ISBN 9788413695358.
- “Semiótica para el transeúnte: la desmemoria como modificación del discurso patrimonial. Grafiti y esténcil en Buenos Aires” in Teresa Espantoso Rodríguez and María Fernanda Benítez (Eds.), Actas del congreso GEAP Argentina II. Arte público en Argentina: experiencias en el espacio urbano, 2014, Buenos Aires: UBA, 2022, ISBN 978-987-8927-10-7, http://eventosacademicos.filo.uba.ar/index.php/CNAPA/IICNAP/paper/view/6263/3838.
- “Traces in the Archive of a Great Oblivion: Ibero-American Representations of the ‘Spanish’ Flu”, in (Ed.) Guy Beiner, Re-Awakenings: The Forgotten and Unforgotten Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1919, Oxford University Press, 2022, ch. 18, 314-332, 9780192843739.
- “El onceavo mandamiento: memoria del fuego en la literatura judía y feminista de la guerra civil española”, in (Eds.) Emmanuel Kahan, Ariel Raber, and Wanda Wechsler (NEJ, IDES). Hacer Patria. Estudios sobre la vida judía en Argentina. Buenos Aires: Teseo, 2020, 31-67. ISBN 9789878654430
- “Babilonia y Revolución en España: Prácticas de escritura cosmopolita de una miliciana/ Mika Feldman Etchebehere”, (Eds.) Julia Kölbl, Iryna Orlova and Michaela Wolf, ¿Pasarán? Kommunikation im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg. Interacting in the Spanish Civil War, Vienna: New Academic Press, 2020, 82-99. ISBN 978-3-7003-2179-8.
- “Una cuestión de espacio: promesas de liberación y utopía en la poesía yidis e hispana de la guerra civil española”, Chap. 9 in (Ed.) Pilar Molina Taracena, Poesía de la guerra civil española: una perspectiva comparatista. Bern: Peter Lang, 2020, 153-178. ISBN: 978-1-4331-6762-1.
- “Com/posiciones: los poemas de Eliezer Ben Jonon:heteronimia, simbolismo y exilio” (revised version), in Juan Gelman. La palabra calcinada: Veinte ensayos de lectura, (eds.) Jorge Boccanera and María A. Semilla Durán, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, 2016, 109-120. ISBN: 9789873982026.
- “Desmantelamiento del simulacro cultural mediante los cuerpos del imaginario callejeroˮ, en Tránsitos, apropiaciones y marginalidades del arte público en América Latina, (Eds.) Marcela Drien Fábregas, Teresa Espantoso Rodríguez, Carolina Vanegas Carrasco, Santiago, GEAP-Latinoamérica, Universidad de Buenos Aires y Centro de Estudios del Patrimonio, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, 2013, 185-199. ISBN: 978-956-7326-12-9.
- “Com/posiciones: los poemas de Eliezer Ben Jonon:heteronimia, simbolismo y exilio”, in La memoria de la dictadura, (Ed.) Fernando Moreno (Université de Poitiers), Paris, Ellipses, 2006, 337-345. ISBN: 978-2-7298-3018-2. [Also translated to Italian by Laura Branchini, Web, 2015]
1. “L’autotraduction de Mika Feldman Etchebehere ou écriture à deux plumes pour un pacte cosmopolite”, (Eds.) Christine Lavail and Allison Taillot, Crisol, in press.
2. “Exponential Minor Literatures: A Yiddish Poem of the Shoah in Judeo-Spanish Translation”, in Pluralizing the Minor: Forms, Figures, Circulation, Eds. Núria Codina & Pieter Vermeulen, special issue for Interventions.International Journal of Postcolonial Studies (Taylor & Francis), forthcoming 2023.
3. “Observation participante d’une expérience traductrice de métissage de langues : Décentrement et suture entre Orient, Occident et Sudˮ for the volume Décentrement(s) : théories et pratiques d’un concept nomade, eds. Élodie Gallet, Geneviève Guétemme and Sylvie Pomiès-Maréchal, Paris: Editions Hermann, 2023, in press.
4. Cynthia Gabbay and Emily Robins Sharpe, “Rewriting Lorca in the Argentinian and Canadian Jewish Imaginaries”, Eds. David Koffman and David Sheinin, Promised Lands North and South: Jewish Argentina and Jewish Canada Compared, Leiden and Boston: Brill Press, 2023, in press.
5. « La traduction juive comme postmémoire : La poésie de la Shoah d’Itzhak Katzenelson en judéo-espagnol et en français », eds. Arnaud Bikard, Valentina Fedchenko, Guido Furci, and Cécile Rousselet, Langues juives en partage, Paris: Inalco, forthcoming 2024.
1. “Posmemorias de Moisés Ville: dos narraciones documentadas para una recuperación del legado judío en Argentina”, Cuadernos Lirico nº 28: Ficciones de archivo / narraciones documentales, eds. Paula Klein et Macarena Miranda, forthcoming in January 2024, https://journals.openedition.org/lirico/.
2. “A Multilingual Perspective of the Passover Haggadah by Carlos Moisés Grünberg (1946): Between Calque Translation and the Creation of Neologisms”, eds. Ido Ben Harush, Jan Kühne and Judith Müller, After Babel. Translation, Multilingualism, and Interlinguistic Poetics in Jewish Literatures, Yearbook for European Jewish Literature Studies 2024, forthcoming.
“La configuración de lo fantástico moderno en la novela Anatomía humana de Carlos Chérnov”, Tutor: Prof. Ruth Fine, Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2004, pp. 103.
- Linhard, Tabea Alexa. Jewish Spain: A Mediterranean Memory, Stanford Univ. Press, 2014, in Studies in Contemporary Jewry Vol. 30, Place in Modern Jewish Culture and Society, edited by Richard I. Cohen, 2018, 259-261.
- Zaagsma, Gerben. Jewish Volunteers, The International Brigades and The Spanish Civil War, London: Bloomsbury, 2017, in Mediterranean Historical Review Vol. 33 (2), December 2018, 237-240, Doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/09518967.2018.1535402
“Divagaciones de la mano de Gabriela Mistral: Una lectura memoriosa de Chile”, Mistral review Vol.2, New York: Gabriela Mistral Foundation, forthcoming.
2018 “Alefato de Gabriela Mistral” / “Hebrew Abjad of Gabriela Mistral”, The Mistral Review Vol. 1, Issue Gabriela Mistral, the Bible & the Jewish People, New York: Gabriela Mistral Foundation, 16-19.
2015 “Semiótica para el transeúnte: la desmemoria como modificación del discurso patrimonial. Grafiti y esténcil en Buenos Aires” in Actas del congreso GEAP Argentina II. Buenos Aires: Instituto Payró de Historia del Arte, UBA, publication of the volume has been cancelled and renewed in 2021.
2009 Epilogue "בדרך למילה" (Hebrew) for the Hebrew translation of Leer y escribir, by Ariel Bermani, Carmel Publishing House, Jerusalem, 163-168. ISBN: 978-965-540-055-7.
2020 “El onceavo mandamiento: memoria del fuego en la literatura judía y feminista de la guerra civil española”, (NEJ et.al., from Hacer Patria, Bs. As.: Teseo, 2020) republished in Mozaika Magazine, Barcelona, November 5, http://mozaika.es/magazine/en/el-onceavo-mandamiento-memoria-del-fuego-en-la-literatura-judia-y-feminista-de-la-guerra-civil-espanola-3/
2019 “The story of an alliance between two poets - one Cuban, one South African”, The Conversation, February 3, co-authored with Karin Berkman, https://theconversation.com/the-story-of-an-alliance-between-two-poets-one-cuban-one-south-african-110802[OA]
2015 Preparation for publication and introduction of Arturo Arango’s translated short story “Las piernas de Celia”, by Einat Talmon into Hebrew at Ha’aretz Newspaper, August 21.
2009 Review of Los siete locos by Roberto Arlt, at “7 Nights”, Yediot Aharonot newspaper, Tel Aviv, January 2.
2022 “Interview with Denise León”, La Gaceta (Tucumán), August 14, https://www.lagaceta.com.ar/nota/956696/la-gaceta-literaria/quizas-uno-trabajos-posibles-para-poesia-sea-buscar-no-tanto-punto-llegada-sino-mas-bien-modo-mirar.html .
2019 “Interview with Nancy Morejón by Cynthia Gabbay: A passage to South Africa”, in the frame of the ERC project “Apartheid-stops”, Hispamérica nº 142, Rockville (Maryland), April, 51-58.
2016 “Interview with Arturo Arango, Cuban Writer and Screenwriter” (translated into Hebrew), unpublished.
2023 A vista de uvreco, translation into hebrañol (one version in castehebreo and one version in hebrellano) of Yi Sang poetry. Volume shared with translations into Castídish by Silvia Hansman and Ladino by Denise León. Edited by Nicolás Braessas. Buenos Aires: Editorial Hwarang.
2023 Bereshit I-III (Genesis I-III), Toratah (Beit Toratah), project lead by Yael Kanarek and Tamar Biala.
Glantz, Jacobo. “En el viejo país” (co-translated with Miriam Trinh) and “Barcos rojos”, en (Ed.) Pilar Molina Taracena, Poesía de la guerra civil española: una perspectiva comparatista. Bern: Peter Lang, Cap. 9 by Cynthia Gabbay, 159-160. (Yiddish into Spanish).
Kurtz, Aaron. “¡No Pasarán! Canción española”, en (Ed.) Pilar Molina Taracena, Poesía de la guerra civil española: una perspectiva comparatista. Bern: Peter Lang, Cap. 9 by Cynthia Gabbay, p. 167. (Yiddish into Spanish).
2007 Guilboa, Shulamit. “Un caso ocurrido a menudo resulta aburrido”, El pueblo del Libro, Cuentistas de Israel. Quito, Editorial Libresa, 223-240. (Hebrew into Spanish). ISBN 9789978492420.
Amir, Eli, Chapter 17 from Farewell, Baghdad, El pueblo del Libro, Cuentistas de Israel. Quito, Editorial Libresa, 203-220. (Hebrew into Spanish) ISBN 9789978492420.
Liebrecht, Savyon. “Una mañana en el parque, con las canguros”, Cuentos hebreos contemporáneos. Madrid, Editorial Popular, 215-234. (Hebrew into Spanish). ISBN 9788478843800.
2022 Interviewed on the topic of the Jewish Literature of the Spanish Civil War, for the research group “The Impact of the Spanish Civil War in the Intellectual Life of Spanish America” https://www.ucm.es/impactoguerracivil/entrevistas-1
2019 Interviewed on the topic of Julio Cortázar’s poetry, in the Spanish radio program “A media luz”, esRadio, https://esradio.libertaddigital.com/fonoteca/2019-04-25/a-media-luz-con-pablo-nacach-135733.html, minutes 90:10 to 111, April 23th.
Film Interview for the Documentary Nuevo Mundo: Street Art in Latin America. Chapter: Argentina. Valparaíso: Tercer Mundo Producciones, https://vimeo.com/338397980/39012b6f08.