Dr. Ginevra Martina Venier | Associated Researcher

Critical Thinking in the Plural. Conceptual Approaches in Research in the Social Sciences
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin

Home Institution : École Normale Supérieure (Paris) | Position : Associate researcher | Disciplines : Philosophy |


Having defended her dissertation in philosophy at the ENS in Paris in 2023, her work focuses on hermeneutics, particularly the 'critical' or 'philological' hermeneutics developed by Peter Szondi in Germany and developed in France by Jean Bollack and others.



2023: Doktorandenkolleg 'Kulturtransfers – Beiträge zu einer transnationalen und transregionalen Geschichte der Moderne und der Gegenwart' (ENS, PSL / Universität Leipzig) - CMB

2024: CMB - DAAD France

2024: CMB


literary hermeneutics 

Title of thesis
Interpretation, Translation, History. Contributions of Critical Hermeneutics to Translation Thought
Summary of thesis

Her thesis, entitled 'Interpretation, translation, history. Apports de l'herméneutique critique à une pensée de la traduction", supervised by Marc Crépon and Dominique Combe, explores the resources that critical hermeneutics provides to account for the historicity of works, interpretation and translation.

Institution of thesis
École Normale Supérieure
Marc Crépon, Dominique Combe
Organisation of Events

20-21.06.2024 - Zum Begriff des Kontexts. Eine Herausforderung für die Interpretation und die Übersetzung literarischer Texte? (ENS, Paris)

13-15.10.2022 - Hériter, commenter, traduire : écritures et lectures croisées de Dante, Mandelstam, Celan (ENS, Paris)

02-04.06.2021 - Entre les langues : enjeux éthiques et politiques de la traduction (ENS, Paris)

On the Relevance of Critical Hermeneutics

Her research project, 'On the Relevance of Critical Hermeneutics', focuses on the developments in critical hermeneutics in recent decades and its relevance for the humanities.

My research project aims to promote the study of Peter Szondi's hermeneutic thought, highlighting the tools it offers to the human sciences. My research traces the history of Szondi's critical hermeneutics in the Franco-German region, putting it into perspective with its reception in Italy, as well as in English-, Spanish-, and Portuguese-speaking countries. The aim of this study is twofold: on the one hand, it seeks to decompartmentalize hermeneutic research by exploring its implications for the humanities and social sciences as well as for the political life of communities; on the other hand, it aims to contribute to the study of the transnational and transregional history of the humanities, particularly in the Franco-German context. In this context, hermeneutics is usually associated with the Heideggerian tradition. However, the hermeneutics developed by Peter Szondi from the 1950s onwards, in opposition to this philosophical hermeneutics, remains underexplored. Its political significance, which lies in its ability to reconcile a rigorous interpretation of texts with an original reflection on the historicity of writings and their truth value, is still often overlooked. Drawing on the study of cultural transfers (M. Espagne, M. Werner), my research incorporates both textual interpretation and socio-historical study to understand the emergence and development of this thought across the linguistic and cultural spaces mentioned above. This study is based primarily on an analysis of Szondi's writings, their translations, and documents attesting to the transfer of his thought, as well as on interviews with those involved in these transfers.


- selected bibliography - 

'Quentin Skinner et l’herméneutique critique : une entente possible ? Pour une réflexion autour du rôle des traductions dans l’histoire des idées politiques', in Raisons politiques. 93. 2024.

'Traductologie et transferts culturels. À propos de deux lectures de Celan', in: Trajectoires. 17. 2024.

'Curzio Malaparte aboie avec les chiens', in Quinzaines.1256. 2023 ;

'Politiques de Dante. La Comédie en 1965 : poésie, langue, histoire', in Europe, 'Une politique de la littérature', 2023 ;

Crépon, M., Venier, G. M. (Hgg.). Politique des traductions, Éditions rue d’Ulm, 2023 ;

'Compliquer la structure ? Sur un enjeu des paradigmes de la traduction', in 'Repenser la traduction', Revue des Sciences Humaines, S. Carlson, A. Vannini, C. Zekri (Hgg.).350. 2023.