Dr. David Fopp | Assoziierter Forscher

Umwelt, Klima, Energie: Gesellschaften und ihre ökologischen Herausforderungen
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin


Work experience

Since September 22

(Ass.) Researcher - Centre Marc Bloch, (An-Institute of the Humboldt University), Berlin

Research on deepening democracy in times of sustainability crises; collaboration (Sept 22 to Dec 23) with the Climate Change Centre Berlin in a project on climate policy and urban development

March 2024 until August 2024

Lecturer, education - Wien University

Teaching in the Master education program; about ”education for a sustainable democracy – by the methods of drama in education”

January 2020 until January 2022

Senior Lecturer, Youth and Childhood Studies - Stockholm University

Teaching (responsible for courses: B.A. Pedagogy) and research (democracy; sustainability; creativity/theatre; youth research: global intergenerational justice, climate movement)

Between August 2017 and February 2019

Lecturer, then Senior Lecturer, Didactics, Arts/Drama Education - Stockholm University

Teaching (co-responsible for drama education training, new B.A. programme "Drama Education"/”Art didactics”; course responsibility and development of new courses on democracy, social and ecological sustainability, directing, play development, education, etc.)

Research (democracy; sustainability; creativity, drama education/theatre pedagogy; relationship between ethics, political philosophy and aesthetics)

Since August 2008

Artistic director of TP1 - Theatre & Pedagogy, Theory & Politics          

Working with drama in education; director and publicist (see also publications: ”Changing the social imagination”, documentation of the work of the institution)

2001 to 2003                                        

Lecturer and researcher at the Philosophical Seminar - University of Basel

Research and teaching

1998 to 2000                

Research Fellow - École Normale Supérieure, Paris                      

On the philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (teachers: Alain Badiou, Pierre Bourdieu, Claude Imbert)           

1994 to 1997

Tutor at the Institute of Philosophy - Free University of Berlin at the Chair of Michael Theunissen (Critical theory; theories of modernity; Hegel; social philosophy, metaphysics)      


June 2015

PhD in Human Sciences (philosophy, pedagogy, aesthetics), submitted to the Faculty of Humanities

PhD student at Humboldt University Berlin and Charles University Prague

”Being humane as a political, aesthetical and educational idea”, Transcript, Bielefeld

June 2012

Master in Education with a specialisation in "Drama Education"

Stockholm University

June 2008

Social work/pedagogy

Sigtuna Folkhögskola, Sweden

July 1998

Magister Artium in Philosophy, Theatre and Film Studies and Protestant Theology           

Free University of Berlin

July 1992

Matura with specialisation in Latin and Greek

Cantonal School St.Gallen, Switzerland

I was born on 20 November 1972 in Heiden, Switzerland, and grew up in Switzerland (St.Gallen) and partly in Sweden (Stockholm). 

From my education and work experience, I have a double qualification: on the one hand, I have a PhD in philosophy (democracy, sustainability) and (drama in) education/pedagogy; on the other hand working as a drama in education and theatre teacher as well as social worker with several years of experience and training.


I'm focusing on a research project dealing with the question of how we can develop a school and university system (teaching, learning, institutional transformation, curricula etc.) in which we explore the attitude as well as the transformation of the economic and political rules and structures which allow a life in dignity for all within the planetary boundaries (see www.demo1.org). This project combines questions about global citizenship, education for sustainable development, and transformative multimodal learning.

The main focus lies on the question of what it means that we are creative, social, embodied beings living in problematic power relations to one another and nature, able to transform them in a substantial democratic direction. How can we teach and explore the embodied knowledge about creating relations and structures which allow meetings on eye level (and replace domination and authoritarian structures)? What are the embodied social mechanisms which lead to domination or democratic sustainable relations?

(In the last years, I worked on a project about multigenerational climate justice activism, sustainability, and the role of science in societal transformation; see book "On a ecophilosophy of democracy".

At the Marc Boch Centre, I led the work - supported by the Climate Change Center Berlin - about how cities like Berlin and Paris can be transformed in times of democratic and sustainability crises, linking science, politics and civil society.

At Stockholm University (2017-2022), I was responsible for and developed 10 new university courses on democracy, education, and sustainability using creative methods (drama in education) to work with students who became teachers on all levels.)

My research interests are

- theories of the relation between sustainability and democracy; theories of transformation (global sustainable society); theories of intersectionality

- play, drama, and applied theatre/community theatre; as methods for education and vernacular cultural approaches

- empathy/compassion/dignity research: what does it mean to use the imagination in a humane way (from affective neuroscience and methods of acting and directing to theories of human consciousness)

- the role of intergenerational activism in the societal transformation towards a socially, ecologically, and economically sustainable society in times of an ecological and climate crisis

Klimapolitik und -forschung in Metropolregionen im Kontext des Dringlichkeitspostulats der multiplen Krisen

Dr. David Fopp ist wissenschaftlicher Koordinator des Projektes Klimapolitik und -forschung in Metropolregionen im Kontext des Dringlichkeitspostulats der multiplen Krisen, welches durch das Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg gefördert wird und forscht am Centre Marc Bloch. Seine Forschung zielt auf multigenerational climate justice activism, Nachhaltigkeit und die Rolle der Wissenschaft in der der gesellschaftlichen Transformation ab. Sein Buch „Gemeinsam für die Zukunft – Fridays For Future und Scientists For Future“ ist 2021 beim Transcript Verlag erschienen.

Hier finden sich genauere Angaben zum übergreifenden Projekt.


(Some recent books and articles)

Fopp, David (2024): The Youth Climate Uprising – from the School Strike Movement to an Ecophilosophy of Democracy. Bielefeld: transkript Verlag (in cooperation with Columbia University Press).

Fopp, David (2022): „What kind of democracy“? Lecture at the conference on sustainability transformation by Researchers Desk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heuGyax7m_o

Fopp, David (2021): Gemeinsam für die Zukunft. Fridays For Future und Scientists For Future. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.

Fopp, David (2020): »The core of a united global climate movement«. In: Resilience, 2021. www.resilience.org/stories/2020-01-10/the-core-of-a-united-globalmovement-reacting-to-the-ecological-and-climate-crisis/

Fopp, David (2016): Menschlichkeit als ästhetische, pädagogische und politische Idee. Bielefeld: Transcript.

Fopp, David (2013): „Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Anwesen und Gestalt“, in: Thomä, Dieter (Hrsg.): Heidegger-Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler. S. 437-444.

More publications are here and on www.demo1.org.