Dr. David Fopp | Assoziierter Forscher

Umwelt, Klima, Energie: Gesellschaften und ihre ökologischen Herausforderungen
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin
E-Mail: davidfopp  ( at )  outlook.com Tel: +49(0) 30 / 20 93 70700


2017 - 2022: Senior lecturer, Stockholm University

I am co-director of the new bachelor's program in didactics, creating many new university courses (including on B/C thesis writing; research ethics; education for sustainability; democracy; sustainability - using arts, especially drama education methods).

2015: PhD in Humanities (Pedagogy/Philosophy), about the concept of “being humane” (using the theory of M. Merleau-Ponty) as a core concept of the just transition into a global sustainable society

2013-15: PhD student at Humboldt University, Berlin and Charles University Prague (general pedagogy/humanities)

2013: Master in Drama/Pedagogy (arts education), Stockholm University

2004 - present: Artistic director of TP1 (Theory&Politics; Theatre&Pedagogy) – see the booklet “Changing the social imaginary” (Fopp 2020)


I'm focusing on a research project dealing with multigenerational climate justice activism, sustainability, and the role of science in societal transformation: working with a book about Fridays For Future and Scientists For Future, the role of science and political change. More information is also available here: www.davidfopp.com

My research interests are

- the role of children and young people in the societal transformation towards a socially, ecologically, and economically sustainable society in times of an ecological and climate crisis

- theories of democracy, theories of transformation (global sustainable society), theories of intersectionality

- play, drama, and applied theatre/community theatre

- empathy/compassion research: what does it mean to use the imagination in a humane way (from affective neuroscience and methods of acting and directing to theories of human consciousness)

- how do different societies define what is valuable and how is it reflected in children's and young people's literature and film, as an entry point into "Philosophy, Politics, and Economics"

Klimapolitik und -forschung in Metropolregionen im Kontext des Dringlichkeitspostulats der multiplen Krisen

Dr. David Fopp ist wissenschaftlicher Koordinator des Projektes Klimapolitik und -forschung in Metropolregionen im Kontext des Dringlichkeitspostulats der multiplen Krisen, welches durch das Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg gefördert wird und forscht am Centre Marc Bloch. Seine Forschung zielt auf multigenerational climate justice activism, Nachhaltigkeit und die Rolle der Wissenschaft in der der gesellschaftlichen Transformation ab. Sein Buch „Gemeinsam für die Zukunft – Fridays For Future und Scientists For Future“ ist 2021 beim Transcript Verlag erschienen.

Hier finden sich genauere Angaben zum übergreifenden Projekt.


(Some recent books and articles)

Fopp, David (2023): (In preparation) The new climate movements – from the school strikers

in Stockholm to the global intergenerational cooperation between young people, science and civil society. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.

Fopp, David (2022): „What kind of democracy“? Lecture at the conference on sustainability transformation by Researchers Desk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heuGyax7m_o

Fopp, David (2021): Gemeinsam für die Zukunft. Fridays For Future und Scientists For Future. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.

Fopp, David (2020): »The core of a united global climate movement«. In: Resilience, 2021. www.resilience.org/stories/2020-01-10/the-core-of-a-united-globalmovement-reacting-to-the-ecological-and-climate-crisis/

Fopp, David (2020): Changing the social imaginary. Edition TP1, Stockholm.

Fopp, David (2016): Menschlichkeit als ästhetische, pädagogische und politische Idee. Bielefeld: Transcript.

Fopp, David (2013): „Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Anwesen und Gestalt“, in: Thomä, Dieter (Hrsg.): Heidegger-Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler. S. 437-444.

More publications are here and on www.davidfopp.com