"Kunst und Forschung"

Critical Thinking in the Plural. Conceptual Approaches in Research in the Social Sciences

The Centre Marc Bloch's Art and Research group brings together researchers from the CMB who work on art-related topics or engage with artistic works, artists or art-related issues as part of their inquiry. It aims to offer a forum for critical exchange, the presentation of works in progress, and the development of new approaches or questions.

The collective exhibition "Les voi.es.x de la carte/Tonkörper Berlin ’ was taking place at the Galerie Alice Guy at the Institut Français de Berlin until 22 February 2023. The exhibition combines cartographic works on the city of Berlin with a sound sculpture made up of interviews, literary texts and city sounds. It is based on artistic works and social science research projects from the Centre Marc Bloch: models of a city that invite visitors to engage with various social concepts.

The art and research group is currently led and coordinated by Marion Picker and Julio Velasco.

Responsible Persons:
Julio Velasco
Marion Picker