Dr. Bruna Martins Coelho | Associated Researcher
Former Member
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Marc Bloch Zentrum
Associate researcher
Social Psychology
Contemporary History
Bruna MARTINS COELHO is an associate researcher at the Centre Marc Bloch, having obtained her doctorate in philosophy from the University of Paris 8 in 2022, with the thesis entitled "The making of the traditional Brazilian family: an obituary of the Brazilian nation" (funding: Brazilian Ministry of Education / CAPES). She holds a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in philosophy from the University of São Paulo, the latter devoted to the study of the relationship between philosopher Gilles Deleuze and psychoanalysis. She is a member of the "Paradoxes of emancipation: knowledge and democracy in the post-truth era" project (Centre Marc Bloch/Humboldt, University of São Paulo) and of the Nexos-Southeast research groups (Cnpq/Brazil). She has taught as a lecturer at the European University Viadrina - Frankfurt (Oder) (2023) and at the University of Toulouse Jean-Jaurès (2019). Her research, markedly transdisciplinary, is situated on the boundary between political philosophy, feminist and decolonial epistemologies, history and French post-structuralism.. Her recent publications include the book chapter "Object: Th'is not-a-paper 'on' anthropobscenic university", Displacing Theory Through the Global South, Berlin, ICI Press, due October 2023; the article co-authored with Felipe Ribeiro, entitled "Neoliberalism as a war machine (or on the crisis of Biopolitics): Lazzarato versus Foucault" (Argumentos - Revista de Filosofia, n.29, 2023) and the review "'Sexo, gênero e sexualidades', ', de Elsa Dorlin: uma genealogia das práticas teóricas feministas" (Cadernos Pagu, v. 64, p. 1-6, 6 jun. 2022). She has also participated in the organization of activities to combat gender violence: the design of the cultural mediation project at the São Paulo Cultural Center signed by the GENERX collective (2015) and the Faire Face association's workshops in Toulouse (2016-2017).
2021 - 2021 Research fellowship for doctoral students, Marc Bloch Zentrum, Berlin.
2015 - 2018 Research fellowship for PhD students, CAPES, Brasília.
Title of thesis
The making of the traditional Brazilian family: an obituary of the Brazilian nationSummary of thesis
In the genealogical study, I investigate the mutations of familial nationalism in Brazil, analyzing the interconnection between rape and the construction of the national political body. Utilizing various primary sources and archives, I conduct a comprehensive historical research on the drive and politics of this society. Drawing on contemporary interpretations of the Foucauldian genealogical method (Elsa Dorlin, Achille Mbembe) and from authors of black and decolonial feminism (Lélia Gonzales, Beatriz Nascimento, Rita Segato), I documented how a disciplinary, paramilitary, and lethal power has operated over the past two centuries against communities and social movements deemed internal enemies. I analyzed the presence of rape in the origin myths of Brazilian identity and its implications in the constitution of whiteness and a kind of 'non-bond' in society. Next, I drew parallels between recent events in Brazil and foundational processes of the First Republic, exploring the underlying rationalities for legitimizing these processes, allowing me to highlight how anthropological categories were used as ideological weapons of class, serving the necropolitical and necroeconomic functioning of the Brazilian state.
Institution of thesis
Specters of Anthropophagic Whiteness: 'The Black Woman' and Tarsila do Amaral
Starting from the analysis of a case, Tarsila do Amaral's painting, "The Black Woman" (1923), established in 1950 as a milestone of Brazilian modernism, I will use a hybrid methodology, inspired by black feminisms, the humanities, and cultural studies, to consider it an archival document of the multidimensional violence inherent in the constitution of (white) art history. Based on two methodological matrices, (1) the problematization of violence in/archives and cartographies presented by authors of black feminism (Saidiya Hartman, Marisa Fuentes, Katherine McKittrick), and (2) the investigation, in dialogue with psychoanalysis, present in authors from the fields of cultural studies and anthropology (Anne McClintock, Rita Segato, Lélia Gonzales, and Denise Ferreira da Silva), of the subjective effects of coloniality in the arts and in the imaginary, I intend to make visible the conditions of possibility of the existence of the art system in the violence that constitutes it, examining the weaving of the conditions of representability, that is, the symbolic/imaginary/discursive intersection between modernity, miscegenation, and family. Furthermore, I examine the connections of this work with the Latin American iconography of 'black mothers' and indigenous peoples, the exclusion of racialized families from the national imaginary, and the spaces of circulation and recognition of the artist and the portrayed woman.
Publications with peer review process
Martins Coelho, B., Ribeiro, F. (2023): Neoliberalismo como máquina de guerra (ou sobre a crise da Biopolítica): Lazzarato contra Foucault (Neoliberalism as a war machine [or on the crisis of Biopolitics]: Lazzarato versus Foucault). In: Argumentos - Revista de Filosofia, n.29, 2023, pp. 228-243. Published
Martins Coelho, B.: ’Sexo, gênero e sexualidades’, de Elsa Dorlin : uma genealogia das práticas teóricas feministas (Sex, Gender and Sexualities', by Elsa Dorlin : a genealogy of feminist theoretical practices). In: Cadernos Pagu (Qualis A1), Unicamp, n. 64, 2022, pp. 1-6, Published.
Anton, D., Azeredo, F., Martins Coelho, B., Pisani M., Ribeiro, F.: Teoria crítica, sujeitos políticos e a situação brasileira: entrevista com Vladimir Safatle (Critical theory, political issues and the Brazilian situation: an interview with Vladimir Safatle). In: Revista de Filosofia Aurora (Qualis A2), vol. 32, n. 57, 12/2020, pp. 940-964. Published.
Martins Coelho, B.: A filosofia a golpes de martelo de Elsa Dorlin: ‘Se defender’ contra o terrorismo de Estado (Elsa Dorlin's Hammer-Wielding philosophy: 'Defend Yourself' Against State Terrorism). In: TEL Tempo, Espaço e Linguagem: Dossiê: Gênero, discursividades e transversalidades, v. 10 n. 2 , 2019, pp. 282-297. Published.
Martins Coelho, B.: ’Se défendre’, d’Elsa Dorlin – une philosophie à coup de marteau ('Self défense', by Elsa Dorlin - a philosophy with a hammer). In: Revue Implications philosophiques, 21/01/2019. Published.
Martins Coelho, B.: Deleuze, Bergson e o inconsciente (Deleuze, Bergson and the unconscious). In: Revista Discurso (Qualis A1), v. 46, n.2, 11/2016, pp. 161-200. Published
Martins Coelho, B.: Anti-Édipo - (per)versão masoquista de ‘Deus está morto’: o amor problema segundo Deleuze (The anti-Oedipus, a masochistic version of ‘God is dead’ - the love problem according to Deleuze). In: Revista Ipseitas, v. 1, n. 1, 01/2015, pp. 129-158. Published.
Martins Coelho, B.: Hábito e vida em Gilles Deleuze: considerações sobre os primeiros escritos das décadas de 1950 e 60. (Habit and life in the early writings of Gilles Deleuze -1950-1960). In: Revista Contextura, v.3, 2011, pp. 59–66. Published.
Martins Coelho, B.: O conceito de individuação de Gilles Deleuze: estudo introdutório sobre seu recurso a Espinosa (Essay on the concept of individuation in Gilles Deleuze's writings on Spinoza). In: Revista Humanidades em Diálogo, v.3, 2009, pp. 157-173. Published.
Book chapters
Martins Coelho, B.: Object: Th’is not-a-paper ‘on’ anthropobscenic university . In: Displacing Theory Through the Global South. Berlin: ICI Press, 01/2024.
Ambra, P., Carrenho, A., Coppedé, Cossi, R., D., Lima, R.,Martins Coelho, B.,Moreira, L. , Musse , M.,Ribeiro, C., Smid, D., da Silva Junior, N.,Neto, S.: O corpo como lugar de inscrição do sofrimento social (The body as a place of inscription of social souffrance). In: Patologias do Social, edited by Christian Dunker, Nelson da Silva Jr. and Vladimir Safatle. Autêntica, 2018, pp. 96-130.
Publications without peer review process
Ambra, P., Martins Coelho, B., Smidt, D.: A psicanálise e o neoliberalismo: entrevista com Caterina Koltai, Christian Dunker, Maria Rita Kehl, Nelson da Silva Jr., Paulo Endo e Rodrigo Camargo (Psychoanalysis and neoliberalism - interview with Caterina Koltai, Christian Dunker, Maria Rita Kehl, Nelson da Silva Jr, Paulo Endo and Rodrigo Camargo). In: Lavrapalavra - revue électronique, 03/2017. Published.
Martins Coelho, B.: Manifesto autocobaia – Notas sobre o corpo em Preciado (Manifesto auto-cobaye - notes on the body in the work of Preciado). In: Revista Liminaridade, edited by Coletivo Cartográfico, Núcleo Tríade et Daniel Luhman, v.1, 2015, pp. 72–145. Published.
Martins Coelho, B.: Corpo, escritura e filosofia em Preciado (Body, writing and philosophy in Preciado's work). In: Revista Geni - revue électronique, v. 24, 2015. Published.
Martins Coelho, B.: Úteros artificiais, prostíbulos reprodutivos e clonagem - A contrassexualidade de Preciado versus o prognóstico da dominação tecnológica masculina (Artificial wombs, reproductive brothels and cloning - Preciado's contra-sexuality against the prognosis of the technological male domination). In: Revista Geni, v. 22, 2015. Published.