Isabelle Guinaudeau | Researcher

The State, Political Norms and Political Conflicts
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin

Home Institution : CNRS | Disciplines : Political Science |


Isabelle Guinaudeau is a CNRS researcher at the Centre Marc Bloch. She holds a doctorate obtained through a Franco-German program between Sciences Po Bordeaux and the University of Stuttgart, and she spent one year at the European University Institute in Florence as a postdoctoral researcher before joining the CNRS. Isabelle Guinaudeau has been successively affiliated with the Pacte laboratory (Sciences Po Grenoble), the Centre Émile Durkheim (Sciences Po Bordeaux), and the Centre for European Studies (Sciences Po). She has undertaken research stays as a visiting professor at the University of Stuttgart and the University of Zurich.

Her research lies at the intersection of electoral studies, political sociology, and public policy. In particular, she analyzes party competition strategies and the links between electoral programs and public policies. Isabelle Guinaudeau is a member of the French team of the Comparative Agendas Project. She was the principal investigator of the ANR Partipol project, a large project on the role of parties in policymaking, and she currently co-leads, along with Elisa Deiss-Helbig and Theres Matthieß, two Franco-German projects on the target groups of electoral pledges.

CV File


Latest publications

  • Grossman Emiliano, Guinaudeau Isabelle (forthcoming) Tunnels of attention: reconsidering issue competition, Comparative Political Studies, accepted for publication.

  • Grossman Emiliano, Guinaudeau Isabelle (2024) Les enjeux et les promesses de la campagne. In: Citoyens et partis après 2022. Paris: PUF.

  • Guinaudeau Benjamin, Guinaudeau Isabelle (2023) (When) do Electoral Mandates Set the Agenda? Government Capacity and Mandate Responsiveness in Germany. European Journal of Political Research 62(4), 1212-1234.

  • Guinaudeau Isabelle, Persico Simon (2023) Partis, promesses et politiques publiques. In: Haegel F., Persico S. (Eds.) Partis politiques. Bruxelles: Larcier.

  • Grossman Emiliano, Guinaudeau Isabelle (2023) The Cost of Ruling above Everything Else. Explaining Presidential Popularity in France. In: Hellwig T., Singer M. (eds.) Economics and Politics Revisited. Executive Approval and the New Calculus of Support. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

See CV for a complete list of publications